Chapter 3

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Hey, peeps! I'm back with another chapter! I've been having a bit of writer's block lately... so, um, yeah. Enjoy!

Harry's point of view

"Hello," said the centaur. "I'm Chiron and this... well, this is one of the only safe space for people like you. Demigods." 

"Demigods? There's no such thing as-" Hermione started saying. But she was interrupted by Ron.

"Hermione, if witches and wizards exist, why not demigods?" He said.

It was a good point. And if Ron can make a good point, that means it's serious. 

"Wizards and witches, you say? May I ask where you-"

Chiron was interrupted by a distant rumbling sound. The rumbling became more louder. And louder. Until it became distant clip-clops. Like... like horses. 

Chiron shouted something in another language; I think Greek? And suddenly demigods(I think) started to shuffle around, grabbing armor and weapons. 

"Lock shields!" One of the people said, pointing towards the forest. 

They locked their shields and drew their weapons. 

What's going on? I thought. 

Before I could ask, the rumbling became more and more louder until the ground shook. Some demigods whimpered, and, nervously, my friends and I drew our wands. 

Just when the ground couldn't get any more shakier, dozens of centaurs came charging in from the forest. 

They stopped at the edge of the forest and glanced at us.

There was a moment of silence, until one of the centaurs with a party t-shirt spoke up.


"Ah, my brethren. May I ask how you ended up here in Camp Half-Blood?"

"Em, we were hanging out in the forbidden forest doing target practice. We were just running around, and somehow we ended up here." Said the centaur I recognized as Bane. 

"Hm. Well, I hate to be a grumpy host, but... we have some things to take care of, so-"

"Oh, Chiron, that's totally fine! We're just gonna head out and go to, hm, maybe California." Said one of the centaurs. Their colourful shirts said 'party ponies'. 

They stampeded out into the forest. 

-2 hours later-

Nico's point of view

Ugh. Great. I'm stuck on a cot. Again. Because of some stupid confusion... 

It was at lunch, when the mess hall was too loud for me. 6 demigods came today and everyone was bugging them with questions, so I went out to the lake to eat my stale burrito. It was sunny today(too sunny for my liking) and there was already someone with an orange shirt with denim shorts and black worn-out sneaker sitting on my favourite spot. Sitting on the edge of the dock, right under the cool shadow of the tree, Was a certain someone with jet-black hair... none other than Percy Jackson. Or so I thought.

"Hey, Percy," I said, tapping his shoulder.

He turned his head and stared at me in confusion for a split second. 

"I'm a wot?" He said. 

Then, at that moment, the real Percy splashed out of the water.

"Did someone call me?"

I was so startled, I stumbled back and tripped on the pebble. Stupid pebble. Why did it have to be right behind me? 

My lunch splashed into the water and my ankle bent viciously as I landed on my back on the cold, damp dirt. Pain seared my ankle as I tried to get up.

"Whoa, mate, you all right?" The fake Percy said. He lent me his hand to help me get up, but I didn't take it. Instead, I stumbled up, leaning on the tree for support. 

"Whoa, Nico, you all right? I can call Will to come and treat your ankle," Percy said. "By the way, this is Harry."


"I-" I began. But a new voice entered the conversation.

"Nico! You all right? I saw you trip." Will said.

I'm sure that by that time, I was a literal tomato. 

Will helped me get up and took me arm in arm. 

"C'mon, Sunshine, let's get you to a cot."

And we walked-er, rather Will walked and I stumbled-to the cot I'm in right now.

Percy's point of view

After the whole Nico incident, it was just another normal day. I hung out with Harry, and we actually have a lot of things in common. We were vibing with the campfire song, roasting marshmallows and laughing.


We laughed. We sang campfire songs and shared stories. Then, something unexpected and unwanted came.

Rachel suddenly stood up, as green smoke came out of her mouth and her eyes glowed green. 

Sorry this is shorter than usual; I really needed to get this up and as I said before, I had some writer's block. And please forgive my for my lack of updating <3


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