chapter 7

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Last time on marriage run away

"I would come here sometimes to think" he said, sitting on a bench

I sat next to him

"What do you think about?" I asked

"Life" he simply answered

"Like?" I asked curious for what he's going to say

"I don't like talking about" he said with sad and sorrow, and for a second, just a second I felt my heart ache for him

"Oh okay" I said

We fell in silence, which nice and weird at the same time

"we've better get going , it's getting late now " he said one our walk back to the cafe Dave's phone started ringing and "all about the bass " started playing

I started to laugh

"Excuse me I will go get that" he said blushing "you go to the cafe until I catch up to you"


My phone started ringing to all about that bass

"Excuse me I wil go get that" I blushed "you go to the cafe until I catch up to you"

I moved to a place more private, so no one can hear me

still the phone ringing to that stupid song,I didn't even download it from Itunes.

By that time everyone started to stare at the guy with a phone blasting all about that bass from his phone

not wanting to make anymore embarresments to myself.

and FINALLY answered the phone.

"Hey babe, how long does it takes you to answer. Probably dancing to my jam." said the girl on my phone-Irene

"You downloaded it ?!" I asked angry and shocked

Shocked because she found out my password and angry because she touched my phone.

"Yep" she said popping the 'p' "plus how are things going?" she asked

Irene is my secret girlfriend and also will help get rid of that dovemen family.

"Ugh,I have a feeling something big will happen." I stated

"good or bad" she asked after a long pause

"I really don't know." I stated again

"I bet everything will go great, and get rid of that family, specially that Annabelle"

"well, I have to go or they will get suspicious."I said

"okay, bye babe, miss you" she said closing the conversation

"bye, miss you too" I said

....................walking.. to..

"Hey what took you so long?" asked my sweet mother , who by the way has no idea about Irene

"Just got an important phone call." I said brushing it off

BUT noooooo

that's not what mother want

"more important than Annabelle, that she comes back alone" She said with a touch of angry but she's trying to keep her cool

"mom I-" I was rudely cut off by annbelle "oh it's fine, I'm independent and nothing happened to me plus don't blame it on Dave, he got an important business." Annebelle said

Aranged marriage ( hiatus)  Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя