Chapter 9; Run

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A small summary about what happened last time....
So kelly (Annabelle's little sister) gave an idea on what to do , and that is running away from her marriage , when the weirdest thing happened to Annabelle.

Annebelle's P.O.V

A 4x4 black car, rushed in almost crashing into me, I pressed breaks so fast that the speed of light can't beat it.

I was breathing so hard.
Luckily, it didn't hit me.Nor anyone behind me. Thank god
I was trying so hard to breathe back normally.
I didn't at least catch a glimpse of the car driver nor who was on the passenger seat.
I continued drive but slowly and started to question
"Was the stop light red and I didn't notice?"
"I could have sworn it was green"
'Well death was always around the corner' my grandmother would always say
Man, was she right
I finally arrived to Lydia's house.
I didn't notice the tears falling until Lydia mentioned it
"Oi, why are you crying?"
"Oh, ha nothing." I said wiping off my tears
"Want something to drink ? I just made lemonade, want some?"
Lydia can stand in the kitchen but sometimes it would fail.Terribly,like almost burning down the house. 
She would always make something, and I'm like the first to try.
This one time she did cupcakes but she didn't add enough sugar. She said 'diet,so you don't get fat' her words not mine.
"Sure,but you better have some more sugar because if you don't I won't drink it, because that cupcake prank -" I was cut off
"Did I ever do something that was bad"
I stared at her with a blank face
"Oh my gosh , Annabelle"
" sorry" I said sheepishly "but I want lemonade"

"coming right up mam" she winked

"So, What are you planning to do" She asked handing me a cup of lemonade

"I really don't know, Planning to run away"

"you can't run from your trouble." she said

"but-but-but what should I do ?"

"Tell your dad, I bet you will knock in some sense, both of them"-"but for know let's enjoy this time before you get married'



LATE THAT EVENING, I decided to talk to both of my parents about this marriage.

"umm, mum , dad , I just wanna talk about this marriage please" I asked

"sure sweetie" my mom said in her loving voice

"sit down please"

They both obediently sat.

Okay here goes nothing

"so, about Dave-" I cut off

"oh he is a sweet guy" my mom said

yeah sure

"No, um, Listen , he actually isn't he is trying to ruin us this family , this all of this" I started waving my hands around

My parents just stared, waiting for me to tell them that's a joke and that April fools came a little early.

I stared back.

"umm.. we recorded this and umm.. it's a phone call with this woman and and .um yeah"I told them

I watch them exchanging looks and glares while they were listening to the audio.

After it stopped, they both looked at me.

Maybe Lydia was right, I did knock some sense into them, I did it , I did it .............................. I didn't do it

"are you seriously think I would ever believe that??" my dad said

yeah I actually did

"it's true, this is a recorded phone call"

"how do I know you and your friends didn't do all this new computer work and bam, you have this and for you to turn this down.

This is a good opportunity for us"

And that's how I know that this plan failed and there is  nothing else to do but to stick to Plan B: which was to run off and never look back.
But was I ready ? Is this plan planned right?
Im not sure but It's worth the risk.
I walked away from my parents and my head low in shame.
What a low move
What a shallow move
I walked upstairs to my room, and sat in room.
Man why is my life like this and not like those movies or books I read and watched
Okay i think I need a good explanation for why I didn't write much nor I update , I have tests and exams .....again and they seem like they never end *crying* so Im sooooo sooo soo soo sorry
Forgive me
But up until I update again hopefully soon
I will update super soon
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Love you so much
Your mama penguin xx

Aranged marriage ( hiatus)  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora