chapter 4

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Dave's P.O.V

She walked into the living room


You’re properly wonder, what???

The truth is I HATE HER

Why do I want to get married to her?

One word: money

I love money

And hot women too

Let me tell you how it all started


I was in a park where kids have fun

And my eye met with a little girl with a baby doll, she looked happy

One thing: I don't like girls smiling, unless the reason is me

Her name was ANNEBELLE, the ugliest girl, people say she's cute, I think NOT

Her family were very rich and they spoiled her a lot, and I so pissed off , we aren’t rich or that rich

Walking up to her

She said in a baby voice "plwease don't hurt me”

Of course I wasn't gonna hurt her

Please note the sarcasm

Grabbing her neat braid, pulling her hair, now it turned into a messy ugly braid.

She screamed.

Taking from her the doll ripping the doll's head off.

Throwing at her leaving her cry, running before I can be caught.

《《《《《End of flashback

That's why I'm here

It's true she makes me nervous , because she is beautiful , and I’m just trying to win her over , being nice to her , act like I love her , because she can be so powerful ,  she can  tell and just in second what I’m planning and later  I'm out like light . She knows that I'll be using her for money, I don't know how did she know but she knew!



Wow that's just wow what a loser

Ladies and gentlemen, Dave

P.s please vote and comment, and share

P.s.s dedicated to Waliyah_16 :)

Xoxo  nesreen 

 plus picture of Dave on the side

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