chapter 8

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last time on marriage run away

Lelo: obviously, it's his sceret girlfriend or something like that .

"who is that woman on the phone , ann " Vic suddenly asked

"her name is Irene ." I answered

Vic was quiet, like she doesn't know what to say , I don't either

After a few minutes Vic muttered a "good night " under her breath

and walked out my room, and turned off the light signaling to go to bed and relax

and that's what I did.


Annabelle's P.O.V

It was hard for me to sleep, I couldn't, what bothered me is that he had a secret girlfriend, not that I was jealous, I'm not.

The thing is that he and that so called Irene wanted to ruin the family business, after all the hard work my great grand father did , past to his son who continued and past it to my dad , he didn't have a son ,so his other plan was to pass it on the oldest daughter's husband.

And that so called Dave and his whatever she is meant to be wanted to ruin it, but why ?

That's the question that kept me up all night.

I was in such a deep thought that I didn't notice my sister Kelly come in.

"Victoria is making pancakes today" she said excited

"ahh, oh god you scared me , umm ... thanks .I will -er .. um"- I was cut off by my sister's voice

"Are you okay it seems like you saw a ghost"

you see, me and my sister fight....a lot, but when it's serious we would stand by each others side to the very end.

"yeah " I lied

"no you are lying , cause your nose does that thing when you lie , tell me " she said

oh she got me red handed

"okay, I will tell you but promise you won't say anything" I said walking to the door to close it

"I promise" she said

"okay, you know Dave , well .. he kind of wants to ruin our family business when dad gives it to him with this other woman called Irene and umm.. yeah, that's pretty much it " I said with hushed voice , had to get straight to the point

"HE WHAT " she shouted

"shhh! mom and dad might listen " I said a little jumpy looking back at the door hoping no one heard that

"what are you planning to do?" she asked

I really did have a plan

"I mean there is no chance , you are getting married you don't have an opinion , unless you are planning to run away " she chuckled

My dark pink lips turned in to a smirk and I started to wiggle my eyebrows at her

"oh no! not that look. Please tell me I didn't give you an idea " she said worried

If I run away , I won't get married to him, therefore he can't get the family business, and with that voice recorded phone call, I can black mail him

what are the odds?

"thanks sis" I said walking out of the room

got to stay quiet about this.

Walking down to the kitchen and got sated right in front of my mother, by her side is dad and by my side is my sister.

We weren't that huge of a family as you can say.

"ugh! god . I'm starving" I groaning

"manners , bell " my mother said

"still starving " I murmured

"heard that " she said not looking up from her newspaper

"I know you did " I wink at her

she started to laugh

you see my mom has one of the greatest laughs, it was music to my ears

"pancakes are ready " Victoria announced

'finally' I mentally groaned

Victoria started distributed the plates with a little help from another house holder

"good morning belle " Vic said trying to figure me out

" good morning" I said smiling


After breakfast I went in to my room getting dressed in some peach shorts and a white tank shirt with and on top of it a floral thin poncho, wearing my dream catcher necklace and some peach sneakers.

Rushing in to the car.

driving to Lydia's house

this is meant to be kept quiet and it will

but on the way the most scariest thing that can happen to anyone did and me


oh hey guys, how is your summer ?

hope you guys are enjoying it and also this chapter

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hope you guys enjoyed it

love you guys

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