Chapter 16

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*Hell Jan. 15, 1924*

My territory has nearly doubled since I killed that red overlord or more specifically forced his son to choke him with his own intestines. No one in my club was surprised when I came back drenched in blood; they all had seen the carnage broadcasted live on 666 News. Harley only asked how it went when I sat down at the bar before shooing me away to get cleaned. 

I sit in my room looking over plans for my new casino when the door opens and Harley steps in. I glance over my shoulder before turning back to my work. "What is it Har?" 

"It's a letter," Harley says.

"Burn it," I mutter.

"Ma'am, it's from the king."

I freeze. I never forgot Lucifer's punishment. I knew he would call upon me. I grip the pen in my hand so hard it snaps and the blood I've been using as ink spills in my hand. The air in the room grows heavy. I take a deep breath to calm myself. I can't exactly ignore Lucifer, that would only get me in more trouble. 

"Bring it here," I say.

Harley does that. She gives me a worried look before nodding her head and departing. 

I stare at the cream paper sitting on my desk where Harley left it. A red wax seal with the imprint of an apple and the letter L stands stark against the paper. I wave the blood off my hand and reach to grab the letter. 

"Of all nights it just had to be tonight didn't it?"

I slide my claw under the seal to break it and unfold the letter. 


As I'm sure you haven't forgotten there is a gathering tonight for overlords. As we agreed upon you are to be the entertainment. So dress nicely and meet me where you learned your lesson. You are expected at the mansion now.


I look to my left to see a portal open up. Through it I see Lucifer smiling like an idiot from his throne. I clench my fist before standing. As soon as I step through the portal it closes. I light the letter on fire and throw it on the floor. 

Lucifer laughs, "I see you got my letter."

"Get to the point, Lucifer." I cross my arms. 

Lucifer claps his hands and stands from his throne, "Of course, the guests will be here any minute, so let's get going." He leads me through the halls until we come across a smaller door. Lucifer unlocks the door and pushes it open. 

Inside looks like the back of the stage. There are costumes and wigs everywhere, along with makeup and various torture devices. Lucifer leads me inside and the door locks behind us. I look over my shoulder and roll my eyes. 

Lucifer turns on a light and smiles wickedly at me. The sharp-toothed grin sends a shiver down my spine. What could he possibly have planned?

Lucifer holds up his hand and something dangles from it. My eyes widen when I see what it is. 

A muzzle.

I glare at Lucifer, "You're a thick-headed bastard if you think Imma wear that shit."

"Oh, I know you're gonna wear it because if you don't." Lucifer waves his hand and a window to earth opens up. Through it, I see Al at home making himself some jambalaya. Lucifer holds his hand in a snapping position. "One snap from my fingers and you little brother will drop dead and he will suffer an eternity of torment beneath my boot. And you wouldn't be able to do anything about it." Lucifer smirks, "I mean you do care about this mortal, do you not? He is the reason you do what you do. The reason you disobey. Your leash." 

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