Chapter six

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*still at the club*
I could feel nothing, but him. For this little moment I didn't care about all the others, who could possibly watch us. It was just us, Bucky and [Y/N].

Even though Bucky held me with both his hands, I could feel that my feet were about to lose contact to the floor and slip to the side. Bucky felt that too, because it didn't take him long to release his face from mine to look into my eyes. I literally hate myself for drinking as much and I hate my body for giving up right now, because that's what made him stop our moment.

He gave me a smirk and brushed a strain of hair out of my face, that was stuck there because of me sweating due to the heat. I launched into a shameful attempt of a smile before finally losing my balance and blacking out. The last thing I remember is how Bucky grabbed my waist with both his hands now in shock and pulling me tighter to his chest.

"I got you doll." he said and picked me up. That's where I drifted into a deep sleep.

*inside [Y/N]'s dorm at the compound*

Man I feel terrible..

This is officially the worst hangover I've ever had. I can tell for sure, I've already had enough. My father always knew that I was a wrack when mom died, but I never told him everything.. 

I never really was accepted in the schools I visited, especially when I was the new girl. And when mum passed, it was even worse. There was this girl - she was called Scarlett - who always seemed to find it sadistically funny to bully me. I started drinking at a very young age, I had to be about ten years old. Even did some drugs too, but due to one friend -he was called Jim- I found my way out of this phase. It was hard, but somehow I managed to end up here. And I couldn't be happier. If it wasn't about this shitty hangover...

I sat up straight to find out that I was brought to my room. I don't remember how I got here, to be honest. Damn, was it really that bad...?

I turned to my side and I noticed that there was a glass of water and an aspirin at my nightstand and little messages that said 'eat me' and 'drink me'. I don't even care who put it there, I'm just glad about the fact that someone did. Even though when I look closer, I can see that it is Bucky's handwriting. Thank God..

When I calmed down a bit, I decided to go downstairs because there was this absolutely delicious smell that was coming out of the kitchen. Pancakes, bacon and coffee... whoever you are, I love you.

I have to be honest, I somehow expected dad to stand in the kitchen, but to my surprise he didn't. It was a good surprise tho.

Everything I could see was his back, but those muscles who fought their way through his tight grey t-shirt made clear who was standing right in front of me.

He seemed to notice that someone stood behind him and somehow he knew that it was me. Well, who else would sleep until 10:30 am today, when not me? The one who underestimated the consequences of alcohol yesterday..?

"Sober again, doll?" Bucky laughed and turned around to face me. I smiled at him and put a hand to my head. "Sober probably, but my head still hurts like shit. Guess it serves me right. Thanks for the water and aspirin tho."

"Anytime" he answered and took a few steps into my direction. He's coming really close now. Like really, really close. What's happening...

He cupped my face with both his hands and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I mean I don't complain, but I'm shocked about that. I closed my eyes and let his warm breath hit my cheeks when he slowly released my lips, still eyes closed.

my heart remembers // Bucky Barnes x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now