Chapter eight

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*back at the compound about two weeks later*

The mission was successful. The bug made it possible for Tony to follow every step that Iwanow made until then. There was something that he really wanted to find out about, it must be very important. Why else would he make such a big deal out of it?

Y/N on the other hand still was somehow distracted, not fully recovered from her experience two weeks ago. She remembers every little detail about the mysterious and dangerous man. The way he looked at her, observed her while talking.. for her it felt like he knew exactly what he was doing. Almost like he already had a plan. That nothing surprised him anymore. He seemed to be prepared somehow.. prepared for every answer and every question that he was asked..
Maybe the Avengers are missing something. A lack. But where is it?

*[Y/N]'s POV*
6:30 am and my alarm goes off. Great. If I wouldn't have talked to Tony about a mission lately, I wouldn't even be awake right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm motivated. But at this demonic time? This is torture.

Anyways, this will be my first 'real' mission. Real meaning here that I won't just go out scouting. I'm pretty sure that I'll be better at fighting than talking. Always have been.

Considering that we still have things to prepare, we've got time for training. Okay actually I'm forced to go out running with Steve and Sam at first, that's why Steve set my alarm. But afterwards I'll meet Natasha in the training room and to this I'm looking forward.

"Get out of bed princess, we wanna go!" I heard Sam jokingly knocking at my door.

"Do I really have to?" I shouted back. "You know that's torture, right? I won't even be able to keep up with any of you! Just let me go out with someone else AT ANOTHER TIME!"

"Don't be so childish potato, get ready we'll meet outside in 15. Better bring some water, this will be exhausting." He laughed and opened my door to turn on the light. Urgh sometimes he can be even more annoying than Pietro.

Unwillingly I get up and make my way to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and my hair. I don't have as much time to take a shower, so I grab a ribbon to put my hair into a high ponytail. I'll just go showering before training later. Back in my room I head to my closet and just grab something comfy. A top and leggings are enough. Now a bottle of water and then I'll be ready.

Suddenly I hear a knock at my door. Can't they just wait two more minutes, I'm almost done.

"Just give me one minute! Gosh you two are so impatient!"

"Seems like you're busy, I'll just come back later then."

What? "No, wait. James?" I asked surprised.

"Can I come in?"

"Oh yea, sure come in." I answered. "I just thought you'd be either Steve or Sam. They are awaiting me outside. Is anything wrong, why are you awake?"

Silently Bucky walked over to me and pulled me in for a tight hug. Surprised by this move I placed my head on his chest and breathed in his scent. Wow even when he just got out of bed he smells amazing.

"Hey talk to me, something's bothering you, I can tell. The guys can wait." I gestured for him to sit down but he shook his head and looked away. I grabbed his face with both my hands and forced him to look at me. We stood there in silence for a while and I waited for him to start talking, which after about a minute he did.

"It's just- I barely sleep these days. Remember that months ago when we first met I told you about not remembering things? Having nightmares, not sleeping.." Bucky hesitated to go on. There was something that he was afraid to tell me. To tell anybody.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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my heart remembers // Bucky Barnes x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now