It really is pandemonium huh?

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"My heart is pierced by Cupid I disdain all glittering gold, there is nothing can console me but my jolly sailor bold." Sapphire, the little warlock girl finished singing and all the seelies clapped and cheered, she was a regular, who allways came to sing for the queen, who had a particular interest in the girl due to her special blood, "I'm sorry to say your majesty but I must return home, papa wants to see me before he leaves." The queen nodded her head giving the small girl a nod "but of course , we will be seeing you again soon just remember you are always welcome in my realm and especially in my court." Sapphire nodded and began heading back to the portal, most people were afraid of the queen but Sapphire honestly didn't find her scary or even intimidating having being alive as 4 years old for the past 250 years nothing really fazed her. 

Her growth was definitely slower than an average warlocks and her papa had been looking for a cure for it for at least 300 years. She was about 375 years old while her papa was just over 800. He wasn't her biological father but he had found her whhen she was a baby and he was the one who had looked after her all these years, so he might not be her father by blood but he was the father that she deserved and he made sure that she didn't want for nothing, she had everything she could ever want and she had all the love and support she could ever need from her father. She was a special little girl who was actually half warlock because she also had angel blood but her and her father had no idea where the angel blooded side of her had come from. 

She was back in Central Park and she left and went to a small bakery to pick up some cupcakes from the warlock who owned the bakery, she gave the baker Mrs Lola $20 and told her to keep the change as she always did. She was allowed to use the back shop to portal home to her papa's flat because she couldn't risk portaling in an alleyway in case any mundanes saw it. She said her goodbyes to Mrs.Lola and made her portal and arrived home. "PAPA! IM HOME!" within a few seconds she heard footsteps "ah there's my best girl, how was the seelie queen? Kind I hope." She nodded as he picked her up "always Papa. Look what I bought you though, your favourite cupcakes from Mrs.Lola's bakery!" Magnus smiled at his daughter's thoughtfulness "thank you kitten." Sapphire always got called kitten because of her ears and tail, she hated her warlock marks but grew to love it when Magnus showed her his was the same as her, she felt over the moon to have the same eyes as her father. 

"I've been thinking about tonight and there won't be many mundanes at the club tonight because it's a downworlders rave soooooo... do you want to come with me? BUT if you do, you don't go anywhere without telling me okay?" She nodded so quickly she wondered how her head didn't fly off her shoulders, she always wanted to go to her father's club but she was never allowed to because of the obvious fact that she looked like a four year old, whilst people in the shadow world all knew her real age to any mundanes she would look like a normal four year old. "well we better go find a beautiful outfit for you to wear my kitten." She squealed and hugged her arms around his neck tightly. He carried her to her room and sat her on her bean bag while he opened her closet and pulled out some dresses and cute skirts and tops, "Papa can I wear jeans instead." He smiled at her, he knew that she had a rather unique fashion sense, it wasn't that she didn't like the flowy skirts and pretty dresses, just sometimes she liked being able to wear jeans and shorts. 

"of course, you can be my fierce princess in shining denim." He pulled out her black jeans and and sparkly ankle trainers before looking for a top for her but she knew which one she wanted to wear she ran to her chest of drawers and pulled out her black sparkly top that says blame it on the BOO-gie it had a ghost on the front of it Magnus nodded to his daughter and helped her change they were both ready to go and they stood by the mirror and Magnus said " You have amazing style my little kitten." He picked her up onto his hip "well you know what they say, like papa like daughter." He laughed at her and kissed her cheek before casting a quick spell over her so if by chance a mundane did see her they wouldn't question it or raise any suspicion. They quickly headed through a portal to the club. Looking at the club from the entrance seeing all the Downworlders dancing she looked at her papa's face with his sparkly eyeliner and said "it really is pandemonium huh?" He laughed and nodded before he walked towards the back.

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