Valentines just like Lord Voldemort

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Sapphire woke up at 11:57, she knew she was going to sleep later than usual, she got up and went to the living room to see all the warlocks in her home and she smiled and waved as people said hello to the young warlock. She found her father talking to some warlocks, she recognised one as Catarina. "There's my favourite little warlock!" Catarina shouted as she picked up the girl and spun her around, Sapphire giggled and laughed making all the nearby warlocks smile. With her father being the high warlock of Brooklyn she got to meet loads of different Downworlders and she got along well with all of them which always made Magnus proud. He had raised her to be kind to the ones who deserved it and to help those who are in need.

It was no secret that Sapphire Bane was well loved in the shadow world by all creatures, Downworlders and children of the fairfolk. Her father crossed her arms and looked down at her, she looked down and twisted her foot behind her 'innocently', "uh-oh I know that pose. What did you do little jewel?" Catarina asked her but before she could answer her Papa did "she decided to sneak out after I went to Pandemonium to get everyone out and she was gone for 2 hours so me and her are needing to have a little talk at the right time." Catarina was completely shocked as Sapphire had never done something like this before. Sapphire had grown up obeying every rule her father had laid out, she never stepped out of line and she always did as she was told, so Catarina was shocked by this.

Sapphire had been in her room for a while after her and her Papa had a long chat and she had been grounded for 2 days for sneaking off but it had gone from 1 afternoon to 2 days when she mentioned that she had been with the Shadowhunters, so now she was thinking about her friends the shadow hunters, more specifically Alec, and what they were doing right now, she felt guilty disappearing as she did but when she saw that the club was empty she knew her father was home and she had to go back as quickly as possible. She really liked Alec, he was kind and he was comfy to sleep on, and he never got grumpy with her about it... I wonder what Alec is doing right now......

The New York Institute

"Magnus Bane, he's over 300 years old. And as you can see he's not exactly shied away from the pleasures of every century but he enjoys it all with his daughter Sapphire. Who I believe you all met yesterday. His tastes are exquisite and quite excessive." Everyone studied the photos of Magnus, some on his own, some with people and quite a few of him and Sapphire. Alec smiled seeing that Sapphire had a wide smile on her face in all of the photos and she was laughing in some of them, Alec was happy that she had a good father looking out for her because she was a very sweet kid even though he had only met her once properly, he could tell that she was a little sweetheart.

"Looks like the down worlds David Geutta." Clary said trying to crack a joke. "Geutta's already a Downworlder. Vampire, ever seen him in the daylight?" Izzy joked playing along. Alec who was already in a bad mood after worrying for Sapphire after her disappearance and getting barely any sleep after rescuing Simon from the vampires, he didn't have the patience for jokes. "Can you two be serious? This is not a joke." He told them sternly and Izzy just rolled her eyes at him "someone needs to get slayed." Isabelle muttered making Jace smirk and chuckle whilest Clary smiled slightly.

"Alec's right." Hodge put an end to the mini argument "Magnus is one of the most powerful Warlocks I've ever known, he has a deep mistrust of Shadowhunters. That is probably why Sapphire was so scared to interact with you the first time you met." Hodge told them all and Alec nodded because that did explain why she was so afraid when Jace got angry with her, Clary was still confused "well then why did Magnus help my mom remove my memories? Isn't she a shadow hunter?" Clary asked and Hodge smiled a little bit as he nodded "yes one of the best but help might not be the most accurate word, did Magnus provide a service for Jocelyn? Perhaps but more than likely your mother would've paid Magnus handsomely for his magic." Jace sat down beside Alec. 

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