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When Sapphire had woken up the next day she realised that it was just a bad dream and that she was safe back home in her room. She walked out to the living room to be greeted by her father, her eyes still filled with unshed tears after her scary nightmare. She couldn't get it out of her head, because it felt so real. She had lifted a stuffed cat teddy bear before she had shuffled to the living room. Magnus had noticed her eyes and quickly scooped her up "what's wrong Ma petite chatte? Tell Papa what's wrong." Magnus said to her and she just began crying out incoherent sentences and Magnus just shushed her and rubbed her back whispering reassuring words. Magnus didn't know exactly what had happened but he knew he  had to calm down Sapphire before she ended up making herself sick, so he continued to hold her and rub her back to calm her down.

Once Sapphire had calmed down slightly she began looking around for Ellie "where's Ellie gone?" She asked and Magnus smiled at her, "they had to go my love, they believe they know where the mortal cup is so they went to Luke's work the police station to retrieve it because as I told Jace if Valentine somehow gained control of the cup it'd be like Beyoncé riding on a dinosaur through Times Square, people would notice." And Sapphire whipped her eyes with her teddy as she giggled, "or it'd be like Freddie dancing with aliens. I liked Freddie he had a great singing voice and he was really funny." Sapphire says thinking about the man.

Sapphire remembered her father going to a Queen concert and two days later he introduced her to Freddie Mercury who taught Sapphire how to sing and play piano, she learned how to play good old fashioned lover boy from him. She was distraught when he passed away and so was Magnus but they were both invited to the funeral and they both attended, staying out of the eye of the public of course. "Ayah?" Magnus looked up at his daughter, slightly concerned as it had been a while since she'd spoken Indonesian to him and he knew she either did this when she wanted something or when something was truly bothering her. "It's been a long time since you called me father in Indonesian so either tell me what you want or tell me what's bothering you." He said sarcastically, and Sapphire just glared at him.

"can we go to the ice cream shop and do you like Alec?" She asked so casually that Magnus choked on air, he certainely wasn't expecting her to ask him that "do I what?" He says in shock just to be sure that she had definitely said that and she smiled so evily at him "you do like him don't you?" The grin on expanding she was definitely giving the Cheshire Cat a run for his money. "We're not having this discussion." He said putting her down trying to leave the room, but she grabbed his hand trying to pull him back to answer her "no we're not talking about this Sapphire." She just tilted her head to the side innocently "I was gonna ask about the ice cream, so can we Papa please can we get Ice cream Ayah?" She asks him letting go of his hands and twisting her foot behind her as she smiled at him. 

Magnus just glared at her, she's too much like me..... but is that really a bad thing? He thought to himself, "okay we can go get ice cream." And Sapphire cheered throwing her hands into the air as she did "on one condition, no more talk about shadow hunters today, especially good looking young black haired ones with a bow and arrows and a very annoying blonde parabatai who likes gingers, okay? that's the only condition." Magnus said as he looked at Sapphire seriously and Sapphire nodded with a laugh "great then let's go get you ready Mawar saya." Magnus says making her smile, he had called Sapphire this from a young age 'my eternal rose' it was a little Indonesian nickname that he called her due to her immortality and her cuteness.

Magnus grinned coming up with an idea and so he swooped down and grabbed Sapphire and threw her into the air before catching her and holding onto her ankles as he carried her, Magnus had carried Sapphire by her ankles back up to her room as she laughed the entire time, stuffed cat hanging from her hands, as she squealed and laughed and Magnus smiled hearing the laughter because it meant that she had cheered up "Okay my little Cupid what do we feel like wearing today? We have dresses, leggings, you have your fancy sparkly shorts, and you also have your skirts as well." Magnus said to her listing off all of her clothing as he laid her down on her bed gently letting go of her ankles, "pyjamas papa." Magnus screwed up his face "pyjamas? But you have so much nice clothes kitten, wouldn't you rather wear some of them?" Sapphire crossed her arms across her chest and dropped her eyes brows to glare at Magnus like an angry parent would. 

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