A free wheeling bisexual

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After they portalled home, they began checking in on everyone and seeing how they were doing, Sapphire was walking around talking with all the other Warlocks, and she saw Mrs. Lola "Mrs. Lola!" She said happily and the woman smiled down at her "Hello darling, I heard you wnet on quite the adventure with the Shadow Hunters." Mrs. Lola tells her and she laughs "I made a new friend and his name is Alec and he's reallllllly tall and strong!" She tells the warlock woman who gasps in shock trying to match the little girls enthusiasm "Wow! Sounds like you enjoyed yourself then sweetheart... How much trouble did you get in?" Mrs. Lola asks and Sapphire scratches the back of her head "A lot..." She trails off with a guilty smile, making Mrs. Lola smile and shakke her head before Sapphire continues wlaking around, about 30-45 minutes after they got back there was a perimeter alarm. "IT'S THE CIRCLE QUICK EVACUATE!" Magnus shouted as Warlocks began panicking and he couldn't see Sapphire.

Sapphire had been dragged away by Zoe to hide together. They walked into a room and Zoe saw her father... lying dead on the floor "daddy! Daddy?" Zoe cried out dropping down beside the man's body as Sapphire stood in shock with her hands over her mouth before she started crying because Zoe's dad had always been so kind to her and her father. What the two little Warlocks never noticed was that two circle members approached the girls from behind and just as they were about to strike Clary jumped out to fight one and a young girl no older than 7 started to fight one as well. "WATCH OUT!" Clary and the girl screamed at the same time, and Sapphire didn't think that she had seen the girl before "Clary Fairchild your father will be so pleased to meet you, and you, you little traitor wait till Valentine hears about this, you'll really be in for it then you traitor." The young girl was crying in fear as the two warlocks were hiding behind her. 

"I never wanted this, he made me do it, I never wanted to hurt anybody." The young girl said in tears and Clary felt bad for her while two men were distracted Izzy strangled one whilst Jace threw a knife into the other, the young shadow hunter backed away terrified as all eyes turned to look at her. "please don't hurt me... I... I didn't want to do what he said, I swear! I never hurt anyone... please don't hurt me..." Clary and Izzy took a careful step towards her. "Hey, shhhh it's okay we believe you, come with us you'll be safe." Clary says giving the little girl a gentle smile as did Izzy which eventually convinced the young shadow hunter to walk over to them, "stay close, it's safer if we stick together." Izzy said "Sapphire! I'm so glad your safe." Izzy said just noticing the girl now. Sapphire hugged Izzy before they all left, Clary's arm around the young shadow hunter and Zoe. 

"what's your name sweetie?" Izzy asked lookinf down at the little blonde shadow hunter who was shaking like a leaf in fear, she was terrified that they were going to hurt her because her track record with groups of shadowhunters wasn't exactly the best "M-My name is... Eleanor b-b-but everyone calls me..... or called me Ellie." She said sadly still quite weary, and the rest of the little girl group introduced themselves "I'm Clary." "I'm Izzy." "I'm Sapphire." "I'm Zoe" the girl smiled at each of them, feeling a little bit more comfortable with them now that she knew what they were all called "cmon I won't let anything happen to yous." Clary said as they began walking back towards the others, "So Ellie, what happened?" Izzy asks, she took a deep shaky breath trying not to cry again, she was never allowed to cry when she was with Valentine or she would be punished for showing weakness. 

"I was four when Valentine killed my family, he said it was because I was special and perfect for his tests. He slaughtered everyone in front of me, mum, dad, my 2 brothers and my little sister, my grandparents and aunts and uncle. I just had to watch." She said not being able to stop herself from crying but she was crying a lot more now "then he... he wou...he would inject me with all these serums and different bloods, to try an alter my blood type. It was so painful." She closed her eyes as she was walking, "he trained me everyday and beat me when I refused to kill for him. I never did kill anyone so I got beat. A lot... I didn't want to become a monster like him... I've never wanted to hurt anyone..." Ellie sobbed and brought her hands up to quickly wipe away her tears. 

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