Pancake day and half dead men

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Magnus heard a knock at the door and paused the movie he had been currently watching to go and see who was at the door, he opened the door to see a hysterical Ellie sobbing her heart out and an upset Sapphire clutching her hand so he quickly lifted them up and carried one on either side as he moved them inside and sat them on the couch, seeing a big red mark on her cheek, "what happened Kitten? poppet?" He said using magic to soothe the pain in Ellie's cheek, "A- Al- Alec." Was all Ellie could get out before sobbing again, Magnus's eyes shot open wide "ALEC DID THAT?!" Magnus screeched and Ellie and Sapphire shook their head almost instantly before Sapphire raised her hand and pointing it at the huge mirror reflecting her memories onto the mirror.

"YOU TOOK GUARDIANSHIP OVER A FILTHY DOWNWORLDER!" Maryse shouted at Alec as his grip tightened on Sapphire and Ellie's shoulder "yes I did, do you have a problem with that mother, I saw a scared child without a guardian or a parent so I took responsibility of her, she needs proper Shadow hunter training which me and Jace are happy to provide, and we'll see what we can arrange for her warlock training but like it or not I am her guardian." Alec said before he completely pulled Sapphire and Ellie into his grasp, wrapping both arms around their shoulders and a proud smile formed on his face. Maryse was fuming, complete anger was shown on her face "I suppose your just a spy then, find out what you can and report back to Valentine. People of your kind can never be trusted, I mean a warlock, Ha! You as well, with your father thinking that he can parade around doing whatever he wants to! You people do anything for the right price." Ellie was shaking this was reminding her too much of Valentine. 

Sapphire was furious that she would speak about her father that way but before she could do anything about it Ellie spoke up "I'm not a spy! If you would just let me-" there was a sharp smack that rang out and Izzy and Clary gasped whilst Alec quickly pulled Ellie behind him as she held her cheek trembling whilst Alec also had to grab onto Sapphire who's hands were giving off sparks. Jace also moved behind Alec to hold Ellie close to him trying to check her cheek as she was crying, "DON'T YOU EVER LAY A HAND ON HER AGAIN. YOUR LUCKY I DON'T-" Maryse cut him off "don't what, Alec? It's not like You actually care for her, she's a Downworlder, they both are! they shouldn't even be allowed in the institute once your pity for her runs out, you'll get rid of her. Emotions are nothing but a distraction remember that." Maryse says and Alec's fists we're clenched by his side, Jace let go of Ellie to stand beside Alec and Sapphire holds onto Ellie whilst glaring at Maryse "that's not fair Maryse, you have no idea what she's been through, she deserves to be loved and cared for, to be looked after." Maryse looked at Jace emotionless.

"and what a good job you all are doing at looking after her." Maryse said and Alec turned around and saw that Sapphire and Ellie were already at the entrance of the institute running through the doors with Alec quickly running after them "We have to get out of here!" Sapphire says and Ellie nods as the girls began to run away as fast as they could running through the trees to lose Alec who was still running after them "ELLIE! SAPPHIRE! COME BACK! ELEANOR!" He shouted panicked not wanting any harm to come to the little girls who he's started to care for. "GIRLS!!!" He shouts desperately but Sapphire just raises her hand and makes another portal and they step through it to arrive outside of Magnus's block of flats.

"Oh poppet... Kitten... I'm so sorry. Don't listen to anything she said Ellie... Alec cares about you even though he just met you, he is already protective over you, and Sapphire... You already know what Shadow Hunters think about me so don't get upset about it.  And Ellie, Sapphire and I really like you as well, I'd be happy to help you with your magic if you wanted poppet." Magnus said as Ellie just sat there. Magnus decided to text Clary to let her know that Ellie and Sapphire were safe and not to bother looking for them,

Sapphire and Ellie showed up at my apartment, said they ran off. Thought I'd let you know so you don't go looking for them I think Ellie just needs some time and some space right now. Tell Alexander I'll look after her for a while.

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