Papa's gonna either kill me or ground me for a century

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With her father away rounding up all the warlocks from pandemonium, Sapphire was sleeping peacefully in bed when she felt a sudden pull like she was needed some where and she didn't know what it was because this had never happened before, she woke up quickly and ran to get dressed she knew she could sneak out for at least 5 or 6 hours before her father checked on her or sent someone else to. She did leave a note though so her father wouldn't worry... too much... it said;

Gone out, back soon, sapphy :)

She thought that her father would appreciate the smiley face and she hoped it would get her out of any trouble in the near future. She changed into a black top that said Daddy's little sorceress and a pink pleated skirt. She quickly threw on a leather jacket a pink one to match her skirt. She was still getting used to portalling so she took a breath and remembered what her father told her 'focus on the location that you wish to go to and remember my kitten it must be somewhere which you have been before.' She focused on Central Park because she knew that place well as her and her father went at least once or twice a week to the zoo to in the park. She rotated her hands and made a portal a quite unstable portal but a portal nonetheless so she walked through it.

She landed on a path not to far from the zoo and nobody had seen her as it was very early in the morning so she began walking around and using her magic to feel where it was guiding her, she pulled a pair of sunglasses out her pocket to cover her eyes because she couldn't conceal every warlock mark while using this much power it would drain her instantly, so she let her cat eyes out and her tail but forced it to wrap around her waist to make it look like a furry belt. She continued to walk until she left the park. She was glad that she hadn't seen any mundanes because she could only imagine what a conversation that would be. She liked New York, but she prefered Brooklyn just because she knew every single street inside out there.

She had been walking for at least 20 minutes before she felt the pull stop and when she looked up it was an abandoned church with 3 people arguing outside of it, from what she could sense it was 2 shadow hunters and...... a mundane? And... oh there was a dead body on the floor too... that was certainly... Interesting. She was guessing that this was the New York institute, and when she realised that fact her eyes widened and she gasped because 








He told her to stay away from the shadow hunters that they were dangerous because of the Clave's rules, but she couldn't help but feel drawn to them. She walked up and the blonde boy saw her and at first glance assumed that she was a mundane child. "Hey little girl you can't.... Hang on... it's you! the kid from pandemonium. How'd you find us?" She was a little bit scared as the blonde had now grabbed her arm and was looking into her cat eyes before she could stop him, "you're a warlock?" The mundane spoke up as She nodded mutely, "she's a what?" The blonde ignored the mundane and kept talking "I know you can talk cause you warned my brother about the demon in the club." He said but she was far too scared to give hii an answer and she was shaking a little more. "Jace ease up your scaring her." The red head said and the blonde then realised he was scaring the young girl. 

They could hear sirens in the distance the two shadow hunters looked alarmed "why don't we take this conversation inside? Hm?" Sapphire shook her head while the redhead looked at her with pity as Jace the blonde said "oh well your coming with us. That includes you mundane." The mundane looked slightly worried. I knew he was a mundane. The redhead and Jace started laughing "you said that out loud sweetie." The red head said, she turned red in embarrassment. Sapphire was beginning to dislike Jace and he was very moaney "Hurry up." He said and practically dragged the two girls inside they all stopped for a moment as Jace turned to the mundane after drawing a rune on his forearm and grabbed the mundanes hand who made a joke about Jace not being his type, he must've been revealing the institute to the mundane because Sapphire could already see it. 

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