Intermission: Yu Ishigami

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Hey everyone~

My name is Ishigami Yu.

Yeah, quite literally.

I was killed by the popular mental shutdown disease that was caused by rotten adults trying to control over a cognitive world called the Metaverse, it basically means they are trying to use brainwashing over every human being possible.

And I... seem to be one of their targets?

I dunno, we'll get to that later.

A year ago, just after the spring break of school, I died.

And I met the fictional and only... Random Omnipotent Being.

He gave me three wishes, and an offer to reincarnate me to somewhere else just to become his entertainment.

Well not that he grants any of it, since he changes my wishes to manipulate me.

In the end, we switched world.

He live in my body in my world, I live in his world.

And for over another year...

I live in his dimension where everything is filled with anomalies.

My FACE is inside an anime.

It has a manga version too, some people I know outside of school are also on inside another series of mangas and everything just doesn't make sense!

Also... I- I end up with that Miko Iino from middle school!?

We don't seem to get along in the story...

How the hell?

But after finishing some parts where I read her point of view...

「Ku- kuhuhu... Iiino-chaaaaaan」

I cried.

I finally see her good points...

「I need to go home!!!!」

Thus I declared.

And then...

≪Daily Quest: Getting Ready To Become Powerful≫
-(Incomplete) Push-ups [0/100] -(Incomplete) Curl-ups [0/100] -(Incomplete) Squats [0/100] -(Incomplete) Running [0/10km]

This frikin... hologram just popped out in front of me.

What the fu-


Anyway, after some episodes of me lazing around watching animes and reading manga, and then being transported into a desert full of giant worms trying to eat me, I finally did my best to complete the quest.

And after more time skips...


≪Your Job is 『Magic Fighter』≫

≪Your job has been chosen.≫

≪Based on the amount of points you obtained, you will be given a chance to promote to a superior class.≫

≪You have exceeded the expected playtime.≫

≪Points will be added.≫

≪You did not use a hearthstone.≫

≪Points will be added.≫

≪Final health is above 50%.≫

≪Points will be added.≫

≪All enemies have been slain.≫

≪Points will be added.≫

≪The total points have exceeded the feat limit≫

And finally...

≪You will be promoted from 『Mage』 to 『Monarch』≫

And the weirdness just keeps happening...

I encountered some egg inside a dungeon, and since I don't know what to do with it since it says "Can't hatch without their parents or something..."

So... I cook it and ate it.

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