The Next Morning - Part Two(Michael&Michael)

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Well here is the chapter to celebrate 400 reads on the entire story as a whole. As a special celebration I decided to create a sequel to one of the one shots, I think you will be pleased about which one.

My 7th chapter of "HJITV" is also up, it would mean so much to me if you read it

Enjoy the 400th read celebration..

My own heart had been ripped out of my chest. It felt as if a thousand knifes went plunging into my chest all at once. I just felt numb, nothing would fill this void where my heart was. A whole part of me had gone missing. My Michael was gone. He just walked out of here. No explanation. All those years, ended so abruptly like this. His key had been left on the counter, there wasn't even a note. No goodbye. All his stuff gone. Had he just given up on us? It was only one argument. I'll admit that it was a bad one, but it doesn't mean we couldn't work through it. I know he slept on the couch last night. But he didn't have to leave me. I thought we were stronger than that. I love him. That's why it hurts so much. He didn't have the decency to wait until I woke up. He must not have cared for me at all.

Now I sit here, too exhausted to cry, or if I started I would never stop ever again. We had been together ever since we were in high school. Endured everything the bullies threw at us. Together. After we had been found in the closet that one day, we had become an actual couple. Not caring if people accepted us or not. I had thought it was destiny, both of us bumping into each other. It was like my own little fairytale. He was my Prince Charming. As the years went on it got harder, making it all through high school and even college, yet now it had all fallen to pieces in the matter of one night.

I thought we would always be together no matter what. One argument and he's gone. Never to be seen again. I had given up hope. What sort of person was cruel enough to leave the person they loved without even as much as a goodbye. Well it turns out that Michael was that cold and heartless.

Waking up this morning to an empty couch, covers neatly folded up on the end. No whistling coming from the kitchen as he normally did before I woke up or singing coming from the shower. I had planned to apologise for my actions last night. But those words went unsaid. When I think about what all this was about it seemed immature now that we were even fighting over it. Why didn't I just agree with him and save myself all this heartbreak...

So many regrets. I just wanted him to get a better and more stable job is all. Then things transpired into him leaving with no word of return. I said all the wrong things...

*flashback to last night*

I had planned to confront him tonight. He had to get a better job. Being an actor wasn't exactly a stable career. I was sick and tired of having to provide for the both us while he goes gallivanting at auditions, which never earn him any money. Its always me who takes all the weight of the bills and groceries. I was fuming with him. How was it fair that our whole life was pivoting on my shoulders. I was so stressed to the max it was unbearable sometimes.

The sound of his keys in the door made me snap my head up towards the door. It was time to do this. I had to get this all of my chest before I would explode.

"Hey my love." Michael goes to kiss my lips but I narrowly avoid his lips for my cheek. He notices this instantly and pulls my chin up towards his face, staring right into my eyes as he asks.

"What's wrong my love? Don't lie I can always see it in your eyes."

I huffed out a breath of air as I got ready to blurt out what has been nagging my mind for a while.

"It's just that...- I don't know how to say this... Uhhh this is so hard to get out..." I mumbled now unsure about what I was about to say.

"Just say it. You don't have to be afraid to say what you have to say." he voiced his words.

"I'm just going to blurt it out. I just..." I close my eyes as I say my next words, afraid to see his reaction. "I don't think acting is a suitable job if we want to start a family. It's just your always bouncing around never having a stable job or income. I can't handle all this stress on my own, I feel as if my mind will explode or even tearing my own hair out. I just need your help with this?"

I thought we could handle this like adults, how could I know that this would spark hours of arguing back and forth until we both went to sleep angry and then there was only one of us in the morning.


The sound of the door opening off the latch brings me from my reverie. Hot, fat tears made their way down my face like a waterfall. Hastily wiping away at my eyes, I turn to see the intruder.

My throat goes dry like sandpaper, I can barely breathe. The stranger in the door way rushes towards me and engulfs me in a bear hug. His face nestled in my unruly curls, I could feel his lips on top my head, muttering so many apologies. A slight wetness settles on my head and I know he's crying too. He rarely cries. He tells me he loves me over and over again. Yet, I still feel so numb inside.

My resolve is slowly cracking, the more tears he sheds. Once the final part of me has chipped away I hug him back, tightening my arms around his waist and refusing to let go. His cries stilled as he begun to calm down. His arms begun to loosen so he could draw back to look at my face. Looking right into his eyes, the outsides rimmed with red from so much crying. I still haven't said a single word to him yet. Gathering the right words I asked in a croaky voice


He takes a while to answer, surprised at my question.

"I just- well I panicked... and I left. I don't like fighting, but I thought if I stayed there would only be more fighting which I don't want... I swear to you I didnt mean to hurt you in anyway. I couldn't believe I walked out on the person who is my whole world. I love you Michael. For-evermore. I will do whatever you want. I'll quit acting, get a stable job and this will be the start of our family."

The words melt me to my core. The look in his eyes tells me he is telling the truth. The next words out of his mouth make my heart stop.

"Michael, I want to grow old with you, have children with you and spend the rest of my life with you. I know I made the biggest mistake I could ever make and I promise I will never do it again. If you tell me to leave then I will. But not before I ask you the question I have been begging to ask you since that day in the closet..."

He gets down on one knee and produces a red velvet box with a diamond ring inside...

The next words out of his mouth make my heart stop...

"Will you do me the honour of marrying this idiot and making me the luckiest man in the world?"

My breath hitches as I find the answer to his question...

I open my mouth to answer the question which could change my life forever...



Mwhahaha, I'm so evil so cliffhanger, I don't think I'll add another part to this. I'm not sure yet, lemme know :)

I take prompts too so feel free to inbox me. Well on to the next 500 reads

Till next time my readers,

The one with all the weapons,


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