Scars - (Logan&Danny)

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Hello my loyal readers,
It is time for another one shot, this will be the last one for a while with my exams and what not so enjoy.

TRIGGER WARNING :this one shot contains references to cutting, suicide and depression.

The day started out as any other day for everyone else, apart from me. I thought it was going to be like every other day, my battle with depression continues, the constant burning of my wrists, begging me to do something about it. I was 4 months clean now. An enormous achievement for me. He was proud too, Danny my boyfriend. We had been together a total of 6 months, though we had been good friends before when he said he liked me.

Of course I didn't believe him at the time and now that had turned into love. It was hard to wrap my head around the fact that someone loved me, kissed my scars, gave me the strength to carry on. A year ago I would have thought it was impossible to have this wonderful specimen of man by my side. I was in a really dark place before since my parents and family practically disowned me because I liked guys the way I should like girls. Stupid really. Danny was all I had, if I lost him I had no idea what I would do. He was my reason for living and battaling the monster that is depression. I was just a skinny depressed boy with no friends and he was my anchor to this world. I needed him.

Danny had greeted me by my locker, giving me a quick kiss before he grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers together. He did this every morning, walking me to class where we shared one last loving kiss before he departed. Promising to see me at our regular table at lunch he strolled away. Turning I walked into class and took my usual seat, everyone staring as usual. Of course they accepted our relationship 6 months on but everyone found it weird I somehow managed to catch the eye of the schools star player. Oh how they were jealous.

My day dragged on, the same boring classes, the teachers badgering on about nothing. All that was on my mind was lunch and Danny. I couldn't wait to see him again. To feel his soft lips on mine. God I sound like such a girl. Get your shit together Logan.

The ear splitting bell sounded through the air, signalling lunch. I was in my calculus class packing up as quick as possible to get to the lunch line and Danny. Swinging my satchel onto my shoulder I barge out of the door and into the busy hallways. Making my way towards the lunchall, sticking to the walls of the halls. I did not fancy getting another black eye again. They were always like animals, fighting there way to the dining hall. I reach my destination and practically skip my way towards the line, I felt like having pizza today. I grabbed a slice of pepperoni and made my way towards our regular table. Danny hadn't arrived yet, he must be making up a test or talking to one of his teachers. Yet, I receive no text to tell me where he is.

10 minutes later and there is still no sign of him. I've started to get worried now. Surely he would text me of his whereabouts. I was just being paranoid. I couldn't even ask any of his team mates since I could barely even get a word out in front of any of them. Damn social anxiety.

Another 5 minutes later I decieded to go look for him in the halls. This was unusual for him. He was always on time. I endlessly searched through all the halls, no sign of life in any of them. That is until I hear a sound coming from one of the classrooms near by. It sounds like a moan. God do people really still do it in classrooms? Honestly some people have no sense of decency. As the moans get louder I can't stop my feet edging ever closer to the door in question. Desperate to take a peek and see who I caught in the act. The door is just a few inches away and the moans get louder still. Well whoever it was was definetly having sex.

I went on to my tip toes to see in the small classroom window. What I lay my eyes on froze my blood to the core. The familiar back was shining with sweat as he finished. His moans echoed through the air, shattering my heart once more. I must've made a strangled noise as his head whips round and sees me standing there, my heart on the floor. He just smiled this evil  sickening grin that says it all. He lied to me. Made me fall for him. It was all a trick. The girl he's with doesn't notice I'm even there, slowly falling to pieces. Gathering up my courage and heart I open my mouth and barely manage to whisper.

"We're through you absolute cheating scumbag."

It took all the strength in me not to breakdown right there. Spinning around on my heel I break out into a run. I had to get out of there. I dashed all the way towards my car, barely stopping to breathe. Sobs ripped there way up my throat, threatening to come out. Hot fat tears were making there way down my face at an alarming rate. I just broke, right there in the parking lot, with no one around. I was alone once more.

I had to feel any other pain than the one I was currently feeling, I knew what I had to do. I had to forget. Opening the car door I jumped in and sped away to my house. Not caring about school anymore. I got to my house in record time. I never even called it my home anymore. A home is where you feel safe and loved. I felt none of this here, not anymore. Quickly dashing up the stairs, I imediatly go to where they are kept. The sharp metal being my salvation. I make so many lines yet it still isn't enough. I don't want to live in a world where I'm hated, never to be loved. I wanted to end it all.

Grabbing my laptop I write the last note I will ever write. So much emotion poured onto one page. I name everyone who has ever made me feel like shit in my life, including my parents. Lastly I say goodbye and that this is the end. In a blurry of tears I copy the letter and send it to every email in my school and my parents, forever leaving as a reminder. The red liquid is still oozing from my new lines at an alarming rate, I start to feel slightly dizzy. I take one last look around my barren room. Making my way out of the front door for the last time I lock the door and post the keys through the letterbox. I was sure about this now, no turning back.

Speedily making my way towards the bridge I stand up on the edge willing myself to take the last step. Tears gushing from my eyes and red coming from my wounds. I was done.

I took the step, onto to be forcefully pulled back into a hard chest. I was still extremely dizzy from the blood loss. Collapsing into his arms I try and fight him. I wanted this. Sirens sounded loud and clear in the distance.

My life flashed across my eyes in a split second. I fought to keep my eyes wide open, the amount of blood rushing through my head, the sound of sirens in the distance became a fleeting sound. I could barely register someone shaking me, screaming my name begging me to keep my eyes open and see the world. It was him, his warmth was in my vicinity. I could feel the battle dwindling, it was impossible. I felt really sleepy, I wanted to fall into a deep slumber never to open my eyes ever again.

I wanted to be at peace with myself. My blood drained out of everywhere, onto the cold hard street. The stinging of my wrists didn't stop, the cold steel of the knife against my skin. My whole body ached.  No amount of pressure could stop it flowing. Heart hammering against my chest, beating out an erattic samba. My life force was slowly deteriorating, slipping away into the howling wind. The voices never stopped although growing further away, becoming muffled in my ears.  I was finally slipping away from the word and into the unknown. Happily I allowed death to capture my escence, my soul, washing away my pain.

A light coat of tears washed down my face, he wasn't crying for me was he? His sobs increased until it was all I could hear in this abyss of darkness. I was being pulled under faster and faster, perilous to stop it. It felt as if I was under a lake of water and it was everywhere around me. The thickness of the water was drowning me as I sunk. So close to leaving this world. The sirens were nearer than ever before yet, I didn't want to be saved. I wanted it all to end in a relatively quick way. Why did he pull me back? When I'm doomed anyway. I was broken, unable to be fixed, I should be cast aside like any other broken toy. But for some reason he stopped me. It was too late now, I only had seconds if that. There was no point in fighting now.

I gave up and let my life slip away...

I was free


That was really sad I know, next time I promise to do a nice fluffy and happy one. I tried something different with this one. I don't think it's my style though.

Anyway if you've read the previous a/n then you'll know I'm hoping for 1k reads on this little collection. Then I will write the final part to the Michael story. *lecries*

I won't be back for a while as my other story is currently on hold because of my exams.

See you in a few weeks,

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