Twisted - (Dante&Edward)

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Hello everyone,
It's been a while hasn't it. My exams are officially finished and I have never been happier. I'm trying my hardest at the moment to finish my other story, in the meantime enjoy this one shot. ;)

They sat next to each other on the train, pretending to be strangers. No one would guess that their lives had intertwined, woven through each other's lives like a great tapestry. Their fingers had once fitted perfectly with each other's, yet they never once looked each other in the eye. The train journey was very slow and the silence that rested between them both was deafening. They just simply refused to acknowledge the other being pressed against their side. What once bound them together had finally driven them apart. No amount of time could make them forget what had happened. From that day on they had become strangers. Things had spiraled out of control so fast, impossible to stop. Neither of them dared to look at the other. They may as well of been sitting beside a brick wall.

The memory of his kisses and touches were engraved into my very soul. He had been my first real experience, I had never even thought of myself that way until we crossed paths. He had made me realize I was gay in the first place, we had experimented together. He had made me feel all kinds of pleasure.



His hands roamed all over my body, his lips attached themselves to my neck, and his teeth grazed the base of my throat before nibbling lightly. I was sure he had left a mark, he was marking his territory I suppose.

"Fuck" the moan just slipped out. Biting my lip to stop them any further.

"I want to hear your moans baby, let them out." His hands glided even lower down my torso reaching for my pants. I was so turned on right now. My body writhed in satisfaction.

"Oh shit." I was away now it was impossible to stop them as his mouth trailed lower.


Well that was something I didn't need to be thinking about right now. This was so not helping with the current situation. I had meant nothing to him. Just his bit on the side yet, I cared more than I should have. He broke, shattered my heart in two. He had promised to leave his wife for me, then the inevitable happened when she got pregnant. He couldn't leave her like that when she was carrying his child. It still stung. Something about him not abandoning his family.

He was so sure until the baby came along. That was it he just cut all contact with me. Dropped me like I was a bag of shit on fire. Bastard. I wanted to scream at him, until my throat ran dry and my pain became bearable.

The most fucked up part is that after everything I still loved him. Those warm chocolate eyes of his would forever be imprinted on my brain. Why did he have to be so irresistible? This could have all been avoided but I was a stupid idiot. A really stupid fucking idiot. I allowed him to take advantage of me and in the end I fell. Hard. I didn't care about being the other "woman" so to speak, I just cared about him. Even now. Sitting so close to him, his intoxicating smell was like a drug. It was so easy to get addicted. The warmth of his body seeped into my body, recalling another memory...



We were far away from anyone who could recognize us. Walking hand in hand down the streets of the old town, it was always so peaceful here. I wish we never had to go back. Everything was perfect, the man of my dreams by my side, the sun setting in the distance, it was all very romantic.

"What are you thinking about babe?" His velvety voice penetrated my mind.

"Nothing, just how beautiful this entire place is." I sighed in content.

"I love it here, it's so serene." He gave me a toothy grin, releasing my hand to put it around my waist pulling me closer. His lips beside my ear nibbling gently

"How about we go back to the hotel for some alone time, Dante?"

The tone of his voice sent shivers down my spine in anticipation. Oh hell yes I did.

"Sure, I'd love some alone time" winking back at him. It was the most happiest I'd ever felt.


That was before I eventually found out he had a wife. He had lied, said he was on a "business" trip when he really was with me. I kind of felt sorry for his betroved, only for a short period of time. As far as I know his wife doesn't know he's as gay as they come and also cheated. I should have ended it when I found out really.

But his promises had me hanging on, months went by and I was still just a skeleton in his oversized closet. I was a fool for believing him. It didn't stop the pain, my heavy heart. I was insignificant to him. I always was. It was just a total coincidence that I had found myself in Edwards life. The day he had cut contact was possibly one of the worst times. Just the day before I had confessed the "L" word to him and he said it back. Load of complete bullshit.



"The number you are trying to reach is no longer in service..."

I tried him for the millionth time, still no answer. I began to get frustrated. I had absolutely no way of contacting him. It wasn't like I could go to where his apartment since I didn't know where that was...

Edward seemed fine yesterday, then all of a sudden I wake up this morning alone and his side of the bed cold . No note, no explanation. He was just gone. I had tried his number, email but to no avail. He simply vanished off the face of the planet. Just when I had confessed my real feelings for him last night, then he disappears. What bullshit was he pulling. I was begining to get seriously pissed off. It wasn't like him at all... Unless he had to go home and play happy families with his wife.

My feet paced the floor of my apartment, the anger willing me through. A knock at the door broke through my stupor. I strode over to the door and flung it open. There was letter I had to sign for apparently. Signing as quickly as possible, I shut the door and rip open the envelope.

My eyes scan the words over and over. It couldn't be true. The words ringing in my head... Sorry... Pregnant... I can never see you again... I don't love you... Don't contact me... Goodbye.

Tears stained the page, the ink running. The only sound that would be heard is my heart shattering into pieces. I sank and let the pain consume me... He was gone. Forever.


Even now, thinking about it caused tears to burn at the back of my eyes. It was so cold and cruel. He could have done anything but a letter. I realised in that moment that I had never known him. The real him.

A voice came over the intercom announcing the next station, I knew it was his stop.

The train slowly began to pull into the station. The man I once knew began to stand up. I would never see him again. This was all just a coincidence in my screwed up life. We would both move on, just being a small speck on the painting of life. I realise now that he is insignificant, just a small part of my life.

The train glided to a hault. His shoes clicked as he alighted from the train. Only then did he meet my eyes, the raw pain in his chocolate orbs had a hidden meaning. One thing was evident in the haze of brown. That was love.

The doors of the train shut, he was gone.

Never to be seen again.


this was slightly different to what I usually write. I am also running out of ideas for one shots so I am willingly taking prompts. Just message me what you would like to see in writing :)

Till next time,

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