23 - Come Get Your Lil Award or Whateva

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Hi! Just wondering if y'all are enjoying the book so far? I hope this doesn't sound arrogant but this is my least popular/interacted with book by a long shot. Normally I get way more reads, but I think cause maybe it's a completely different genre than what I typically write for, not as many people are interested? Which is fine! I just hope those of you who are reading it are enjoying!

Please let me know if y'all like the book so far! Thank you for reading!


"Please don't let him pee on you." Sarah practically whined.

"Darryl is potty trained, Sarah." Rainn cooed and held the rat up to be nose to nose with him. "Right Darryl? You would never pee on mommy."

Since adopting Darryl, he's become an emotional support rat for the couple. He's even made a debut on Grayson's instagram story. It was a simple mirror selfie, showing him and Rainn dressed up for some interview, with Darryl chilling on Grayson's shoulder.

The rat went everywhere with them, much to Sarah and Jeff's dismay. Even to the Grammys! Well, not the actual Grammys, but he was with them as they got ready in their hotel room.

Jeff let out a low whistle as he entered the room. "Y'all are about to break the internet."

Rainn smiled in thanks. "I don't even have my dress on yet."

"No need," he decided. "You'll make Grayson swoon with just your pretty face and robe alone." He whispered to her, gesturing in his direction. Thankfully, the room was big enough and he was far away enough so he couldn't hear the conversation.

Rainn laughed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right."

"You laugh, but we're totally serious." Sarah chuckled, applying the final touches to her makeup.

That only made Rainn harder, at which she was immediately scolded for as Sarah was trying to apply her lipstick. "I don't make him swoon, guys."

Jeff shot Sarah a knowing look, to which she returned.

"Am I missing something?" Rainn's eyes narrowed, accusingly.

Sarah silently backed away and Jeff held his hands up in defense. "I mean... yeah, kinda."

"Jeffrey. What are you talking about?" Rainn pushed. When she got no response out of him, she turned to Sarah. "You wanna tell me?"

With a smile, Sarah happily explained, "we just noticed Grayson totally stares at you the same way Jeff stares at spicy buffalo chicken dip."

"Yeah, and?"

"I freaking love spicy buffalo chicken dip." Jeff deadpanned.

Rainn blinked. "Forget the swooning, you think he loves me?"

"Oh, no." Sarah laughed and shook her head. "Head over heels is more like it. That man is completely smitten with you."

Jeff nodded along on agreement. "I just thought it was obvious the way he checks you out all the time. Y'all would make some pretty babies."

Rainn choked. "Jeff! This is fake! Remember?"

"Mm hmm." He acknowledged and took Darryl from Rainn. He crossed the room to chat with Grayson and gave him his emotional support rat.

Sarah chimed in before Rainn could press him anymore. "Now, what were we thinking to do with your hair? Half up half down, all up, or all down?"

Rainn huffed and continued her side of the argument rather adamantly, "all down. And for the record, there is no way Grayson is in love with me."

The Bucket ListOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora