14 - The Shaquille O'Neal of Lying

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Important: Hey everyone. So sorry for the slower updates. I have some stuff going on in my personal life I need to deal with, hence the slower updates. Thank you for being patient with me. Prayers would be very appreciated 🫶🏻

I do sincerely mean when I say I appreciate all of you and especially the comments. When I see a comment, even something as simple as "I like this book," or even just a heart emoji, it makes my day. It makes me feel like I'm doing something right. Comments motivate me to keep writing and keep keeping on.

The updates aren't stopping, they're just a tiny bit slower than usual. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please leave me a comment if you do. I'm so excited for y'all to read the next chapter!


The following day came and went, bringing them to another end of an exhausting concert of tour. Grayson somehow was always pumped after a show, but Rainn was drained. She didn't do anything but sit in the crowd, smile when he sang to her, and play along when he'd mention her.

The exhaustion came from her adrenaline dropping the second it was all over. Well, almost all of it was over. After a show, they'd pick a handful of "lucky" fans to meet the clown- I mean, Grayson.

Rainn never presented herself during those. They were here to see Grayson and paid good money to see him too. She didn't want to take away from that. Instead, she'd decompress in the dressing room, ready to clean all her makeup off and change into some sweatpants.

This night, however...

"Come in!" Rainn called to whoever was knocking at her door.

Jeff came in, his usual grin on his lips. She swore he never stopped smiling. "Hey, Rainn! Got a favor to ask."

Her head dropped to the vanity in front of her with a resounding, 'thunk!' With a muffled voice, she grumbled, "how many times do I need to tell you I will not marry Grayson?"

"No, that's not what I'm asking this time." He huffed and rolled his eyes. With a small voice, he mumbled, "but it would be nice-"

"Jeffrey." She warned.

"Alright, alright!" He threw his hands up in surrender and cut to the chase. "There's this fan that wants to meet you."

Rainn blinked. "Why?"

He grinned. "You might just have to see for yourself... you coming?"

Though her heart was nearly pumping out of her chest, wondering why someone would want to see her, she wheeled herself down the hall and backstage.

Once Rainn peeked around the corner, all of her worries melted away. With a breathy laugh in relief, she called out, "Nice wheels!"

The little girl's head perked up, her red curly hair bouncing at the sudden movement. She smiled so wide the moment her eyes met Rainn's, revealing a few of her missing teeth. The little girl wasted no time leaving Grayson behind and wheeled her own wheelchair over to Rainn, side by side, so she could reach over to hug her.

Rainn was taken back by the hug but was quick to return the embrace. "Hi! What's your name?"

She pulled away to beam up at her. "My name's Becky." She greeted rather shyly. "And you're Rainn!"

Rainn chuckled at that. "That I am! Did you enjoy the show?"

Grayson coming over to stand behind her, and she was thankful for that. She didn't have too many interactions with fans, especially not one on one. He knew she'd feel more comfortable with him there, even if all he did was stand there and listen. 

The Bucket ListTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon