17 - Darryl the Rat and First Kisses

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Two weeks had past, bringing them into the end of July. The time spent together had actually been somewhat... nice. They visited a handful more states, Grayson did a few more shows, Rainn's made progress in her physical therapy, and now they were completing one more thing off their bucket list...

"C'mon, Dwight. Haven't you gotten your blood drawn before? This should be nothing." Grayson teased her.

If looks could kill, he'd be a dead man. "Shut up." Rainn grumbled under her breath making him hold his hands in surrender. With a whine, she flopped her hand out before the tattoo artist, her other hand covering her eyes. "Just do it."

"Why doesn't she just do it on her leg so she can't feel it?" Jeff whispered out of the side of his mouth to Grayson.

Unfortunately, Rainn heard. "Because I don't want a leg tattoo, Jeffrey. Why don't you just mind your business?" She snapped.

He blinked. "Well okay then."

"Are you ready?" The tattoo artist asked in a bored tone of voice.

She winced and squeaked out, "yes."

Thirty seconds later... "you're done."

"Brooooo." Rainn gasped in delight and gazed at her new tattoo. "I feel like I can take on the world right now! That wasn't even bad!"

The tattoo artist blinked and murmured under his breath, "because all you got was a tiny smiley face on your pinky."

Grayson, however, was her biggest cheerleader. "Alright babe! Look at you, taking it like a champ!" He exclaimed and high-fived her.

She beamed at him, rather proud of herself. "That hardly even hurt! Soon enough, I'm gonna look like you."

Covered neck down with all sorts of tattoos, Grayson laughed. "Oh, I'm sure."

She made grabby hands at him and he gave her his own pinky, that had a matching smiley face with hers. "I vet you Alex is so proud right now."

"Get a tattoo," was successfully checked off the bucket list.

Grayson smiled and quietly agreed with her. Rainn was referring to the tattoo, but Grayson couldn't help but think of the bigger picture. What would Alex think of all this? Especially if he knew how much Grayson hurt Rainn when he left, when he didn't even show up for his best friend's funeral, or if he knew about the life he used to live. Would he even want someone like Grayson hanging around his sister anymore? Or was he proud Grayson changed his life around and reconnected with Rainn? This hadn't been the first time Grayson thought about this. Frankly, it's been stuck in his mind constantly.

She's been stuck in his mind constantly.


"Great job today, Rainn." Cyndie, her physical therapist told her as she left. Rainn has been making a lot of progress in the past few weeks. It's the most improvement she's had in years, but she hasn't told anyone yet.

"Thanks Cyndie! See you in a couple days!" Rainn called as she left. At the same time, Grayson came into the room. "Whatcha got there?" She asked.

Grayson looked at the item in his right hand, ignoring what he had in his left. "A coffee."

Rainn shot him a deadpan look.

"Oh, you mean this hand," he stated sarcastically and placed the box with holes on it on the table in front of it. "It's a gift." He told her and placed the box in her lap.

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