10 - T is for Trauma

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"You two were amazing!" Jeff exclaimed, bursting through the doors of their dressing room. "It's definitely going to be a hit when it goes live."

Rainn smiled. "You really think so?"

"Definitely." Jeff nodded. "Now just a warning, it's gonna be a doozy getting out of here. Everyone knows you're here so the paparazzi are waiting outside too."

"Oh," Rainn muttered, suddenly very nervous.

"The security team will be with you the whole time, as will Grayson."

Jeff was not kidding when he said that.

Bombarded by paparazzi, Rainn allowed Grayson to guide her through the crowd, four security guards surrounding them. While they caged them in fairly well, they unfortunately couldn't block out the yelling.





That was just a few of the things shouted. "Gray?" She exclaimed and turned around to gawk at him, in disbelief over what she heard them ask.

He couldn't say anything out loud to her, so he held his tongue and decided to wait until they were in the car. All he could do was squeeze her shoulder to let her know he heard her.

With all of the flashing lights, it was difficult to see. It made Rainn even more nervous that she wasn't in control of her own wheelchair, having to trust Grayson to push her through the crowd.

Just when she thought she was close enough to their ride waiting for them to be safe, one of the men snapping pictures of them happened to squeeze through the security guards and "tripped," sending him barreling towards Rainn.

It all happened so fast, Grayson couldn't even stop them from tumbling to the ground.

Did any of the paparazzi stop to help? No. They continued their picture taking. "What's wrong with you?" Grayson shouted at the man and shoved him off his "fiancé."

Thankfully security stepped in before things could get heated between the two, and Grayson knelt down to gather an extremely embarrassed and mortified Rainn into his arms.

"Grab that." He ordered to a security guard, gesturing to the wheelchair. With that, he followed a different security guard to the car and carefully placed Rainn inside.

She dragged herself over to the opposite side so Grayson wouldn't have to walk all the way around the car. The moment the door closed and the wheelchair was put in the trunk, Grayson told the driver to go.

Immediately, Grayson was by Rainn's side. He gently grabbed her arms and turned her to face him. "Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes flickering to various parts of her body in search for injuries.

Her eyes met his, wide and frantic.

He released her and let out a frustrated sigh, expecting her to blow up on him any second now. "Dwight, are you okay? I know you're mad I had to carry you, but I need to make sure you're not hurt."

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