8 - You Like My Anxiety? Gee Thanks, Just Bought It

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Finally after the concert had ended, they all made their way into the dressing rooms back stage. The moment the door shut behind them, Rainn gave them an earful.

"Yeah, I have some questions! Number one, how dare you?" Rainn seethed, completely infuriated.

Grayson's hands shot up, defensively. "It was brought up that it'd be a good idea and we went with it."

"It wasn't brought up to me!" She exclaimed and passive aggressively snatched her water bottle from the table."When did you even get a ring? Or my ring in my size for that matter!?"

"Jeff got it from Sarah."

Her heated gaze snapped over to Jeff, making him flinch. "But look how cute this is! It's a hit!" He defended himself, holding out his phone to her.

She snatched the phone out of his hands, a video of the proposal playing. It looked genuine and already had- "two million views?" She gasped. "It happened not even two hours ago!"

"Power of the internet, baby!"

She shot Jeff a glare, making his jaw snap shut. "What happened to 'slow burn, baby'."

Grayson brushed it off, unfazed. "It's not like we're faking a wedding."

Jeff's eyes lit up. "Wait-"

"No." She immediately shot down and pointed her water bottle accusingly at him.

Jeff frowned. His phone rang and his eyes lit up at whoever the caller I.D. was before he politely excused himself to take the call in another room.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll get you a different ring." Grayson halfheartedly suggested as he crossed the room to retrieve his fresh clothes he had laid out.

She blinked. His utter stupidity. "What? No. Grayson, the problem isn't the ring." Rainn scolded and turned her wheelchair to follow him. "It's the fact I wasn't informed."

He was hardly paying attention and peeled his sweaty shirt off his body, and boy oh boy, the six pack was new. Rainn quickly averted her gaze and didn't look back up until she heard him put on a new shirt and douse his body in cologne.

"Look, I have people who are waiting to see me." He muttered, referring to small group of fans that won a meet and greet. Before he left, he dug through the messy countertops to find his wallet. He pulled a wad of cash out of it, didn't bother even counting it, and handed it to Rainn on his way out. "For your 'troubles.' Buy yourself something nice or whatever." He huffed and left the room.

"I don't want your money!" She called after him, but he was already gone. She shuffled through the bills and counted around a thousand dollars.

She shook her head and handed it to Sarah. "Can you donate this to charity or something for me?"


Rainn held up her hand to stop her. "I'm making enough money with this. He doesn't get to buy my forgiveness." She said and opened her bottle to take a sip.

"You're not gonna believe this!" Jeff practically squealed, popping back into the room. "There was a last minute opening on the Tonight Show! I got you and Grayson on tomorrow night!"

Rainn spit out her drink.


They stayed an extra day in New York for their appearance on the Tonight Show. The following afternoon, they were getting ready for their first ever interview as a couple. Rainn was nearly crapping herself.

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