6. Hector

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Damn it, the vibe we were getting from the man was all negative, he didn't want the resort and even if his cousin did sell us her land, would we even get the planning we needed.  Something had gone so badly wrong with the initial process and investigation and I was beginning to think we would never be able to save it.

The Commander suddenly looked towards the door and we too heard whoever was approaching, his next words however were a shock "In fairness you can both apologise directly to her and ask her yourself" he tell us just as the door opens and she rushes into the room.

"So sorry I'm late, there was a issue on the way here..." she trails off as she takes in the room.

"Gentlemen, meet Lady Mairead Greystone" the Commander introduces her and I am stunned silent and totally in her thrall.

Jamison clearing his throat brings me out of my daze and I stand, holding my hand out to the beautiful woman in front of me. The tingle as her hand settles in mine makes me want to growl and pull her into my embrace.

She gives a little tug on her hand and I realise mine has closed around hers, stopping her moving back.

"Hector?" Jamison asks softly but I just shake my head, still looking at her. "Hello" I greet softly, watching the colour bloom in her cheeks at my focus on her.

"Brother" Angus's hand claps my shoulder tightly and I finally release her, Angus pushing me back into the seat as she hurries round to the other side of her cousin.

"Lady Greystone, firstly we would like to apologise for what has happened to you, we were unaware of what our employee was doing until two days ago.  On behalf of the company I can say we are truly sorry for how you have been treated, it is not our usual practice and I feel we have all been mislead and wish to get to the bottom of what's happened" Angus tells her carefully from my side.

My gaze remains on her and I watch the emotions chase across her face, her gaze frequently meeting mine before shying away.
"Was it Stewart?" she asked and her voice shivered down my spine, soft and delicate like her.

Jamison responded telling her and the Commander everything we knew so far and again I watched her as she listened to him.
"Do you know where we might find him" Angus asked her.
"No, we are not close" she shared a look with the Commander "Stewart is 15 years older than me and resents what I have versus what he has, he tried at one point to gain access to my estate that was when we all saw him for what he was.  However he should not have sold the land to you, his inheritance of it came with a clause, he had to offer it back to me before selling elsewhere"

I got the feeling there was more to that story than she was letting us know  and filed it away in my mind to look at later, first we had to deal with the other issues.

"Was that clause noted and what are the outcome of him breaking it?" I ask.

She looked again at her cousin who sighed before explaining the loophole that made it nearly impossible for her to do anything about it.  I felt my internal rage grow, Duncan would not get away with this.

"The land that Stewart tried to pass of as his, I won't sell it and I will fight any development you have planned" she tells us and I feel proud of her backbone, even though she doesn't know my plans have now changed, none of them know.

"I think that we all need to review what we now know, perhaps we can meet again in a couple of days time, we will have more information by then" Jamison replies and I see the Commander nod his agreement, he leans down to whisper something to her and she looks back at him before nodding.

"Agreed, we will check our diaries, where are you staying?" he replies.

"The Loch Inn, currently but we will need check they can extend the stay" Jamison explains and around me the other start gathering up their things...  I feel a slight panic and realise its because I will be walking away from her.  I feel a nudge into my side and turn to look at Angus, in who's eyes I see the same need... her, but he sends me a slight shake of his head, I know he is warning me not to scare her.

"Lady Greystone, it was a pleasure to meet you and I hope next time we meet we will have better news for you" Jamison is leaning forward to shake her hand and I bite back the growl at him touching her and follow his lead, first shaking the Commander's hand then hers, being careful this time not to hold on too long.
Then her hand is in Angus's and he smiles at her "It has been a pleasure meeting you Lady Greystone and once again I apologise for our company failure "

"Thank you and... Please call me Maisie" she said softly to us all.

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