19. Maisie

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Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...
That damn sound was like a pulse banging on my mind.

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...
I felt my body coming back to me and it hurt, everything hurt, my body felt so heavy, I just could move and my eyes felt glued shut.

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...
I try to open my eyes and blink hard at the bright lights, groaning as it shoots pain through my skull.

Beep... Maisie! Beep... Maisie! Beep... Beep... please beep baby beep come beep back beep to beep us beep...
I struggle again to focus and could make out two blurred figures hovering.

"Maisie please baby, come on, it's time to wake up now, come on"
I focused towards the sound and croak out "lights... too bright"  I hear movement and then feel someone take my hands... no two someone's.

"What?" I croak out again trying to open my eyes.

"Thank God, your awake" I hear him say but my head is still fuzzy. I blink to clear my eyes.

"Angus, call Bishop and Mary" the voice says and I realise its Hector. "Open baby" he orders and I feel icy wetness along my lips, I open, allowing the small chip to fall in, feeling the relief it brings. My gaze takes them in, its still a little fuzzy around the edges and I feel as if every part of my body hurts, so I remain as still as I can, my eyes tracking them.

"More" I whisper and hear them both chuckle.  He gives me another ice chip and I listen as Angus calls Bishop, then Mary, re-assuring them I have woken up and saying see you soon.

The entrance of a doctor and nurse makes them back away from the bed as they check me over, the doctor asking questions I try to answer.  He's talking at me, questioning me... I know its his job but he's too loud and I hate the nurse poking at me. "Please" I hold up my hand towards the twins.

"Baby?" Hector gets to me first, his gaze searching mine.

"Its too loud" I whisper out and he nods, keeping hold of my hand before turning to the doctor.

"Commander Fraser is on his way, perhaps if you have finished your initial check we can let her rest until he gets here" he says quietly and the doctor nods.

"I will be back soon" he tells me backing away and taking the nurse with him and its peaceful except for the sound of the machines.

"Baby" I hear Angus say and I look at him "How are you really feeling, you gave us quite a scare" and I can see how shaken they both look.

"What happened?" I whisper out, then panic hits me "Mary?"

"Hey, please baby, breath, it's okay, Mary is okay, I promise she will be here soon to see you, she is coming in with Bishop" Angus rushes out taking my hand in his as Hector moves to the other side of the bed and takes the other.

Their presence soothes me and I try to relax back "Tell me"

"I think we should wait for Bishop to get here, but I will tell you its over now" Hector says, gently rubbing my hand in his.

The door flying open makes me gasp and jump and the twins are on their feet to protect me before we all realise it was Mary. "Bishop is talking to the doctor" she told the twins, brushing past them to come to my side, pulling me into a hug and I could feel the tears welling.

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