019. shopping.

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harry's hate club
[10:00 am]

casper loves emilia:
how long has it been since we last hangout?

cho cutie:
2 months?

cho cutie:
august was the last

emilia loves casper:
AUGUST! and what month are now? OCTOBER ALMOST NOVEMBER!!!!

the genius one:
we've been busy with work :(

chicken wings:
i know, i missed our little hangout :(

oblivious jerk:
yeah, and you guys are also busy with your relationship

look who's talking🙄

oblivious jerk:
hi, mon amour i missed you

well i don't miss you😁

i actually do
(message not sent)

cho cutie:
do you guys smell that?

cho cutie:
smell like a lie

oblivious jerk:
you don't plan to change the name of our group chat?

oblivious jerk:
no? okay

emilia loves casper:
there would be a halloween party two days from now!

emilia loves casper:
that would be held at the bar!

emilia loves casper:
and we are invited since theo is the host

casper loves emilia:
i still don't know what to wear

don't bother dressing up, casper. you're already scary enough

casper loves emilia:
mean lav🙄🖕

nye nye nye 🙄

my other half
[10:20 am]

my other half:
what would you wear at the halloween party?


my other half:
what i mean is that, what would you dressed up as?

an angel, why?

my other half:

my other half:
i want to match with you

yeah, the devil looks good on you😏

my other half:
i would look hot😏

yeah for sure
(message not sent)

ew no

my other half:

my other half:
can we buy our costume now?

you don't want to match with ezra?

my other half:
theo is the host, he doesn't want to invite someone he don't know

my other half:
he said he would only invite his friends, schoolmates, and classmates

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