(One-Shot) Halloween's Vampire and Devil~ [Joker x Spade]

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(Joker's POV)

I woke up earlier today because Hachi had woken me up from my sleep, telling me to get up and that we were going to be late to some Halloween event Master had planned for us, one that I didn't ask to be invited to.

"Hachiiii, why do we need to go again?" I asked for the fiftieth time that day.

"Joker-san! I told you Silver heart-san invited you to a Halloween even today!" Hachi responded in excitement, "We have to get a costume each and get ready!"

"Hachi! I'm not a kid anymore!" I exclaimed, "Why do I need to go?"

"Joker-san you're coming with me to Silver Heart-san's house or else I won't make curry for the next month!" he threatened me.

I couldn't abandon my precious curry, so I was forced to go with him. 'Maybe I'll get to see Spade and Queen in stupid kid costumes as well' I thought. I mean we are 18... well maybe except Queen but other than her, me and Spade are 18 years of age [I assume their age around 16-18 and I think Queen is 2 years under Spade and Joker, I don't know their exact ages] so it would be really embarrassing to be dressed around in kid's costumes on Halloween, 'I swear if master makes us go trick or treating like this, he would regret his decision for his whole life' I thought with a frown.

[Time Skip]

(Silver Heart's POV)

I saw each of my 3 pupils, with their assistants, Shadow, Rose, and Akai (carrying Hosshi) enter the house each wearing their cute/scary Halloween outfits that they chose. My Queen had a cute white fairy costume, Roko with a ware wolf costume, Spade with a devils costume, Dark eye (Ai) with a pumpkin designed costume 'I have no clue why', Joker with a vampire costume, Hachi with a ghosts costume, Rose with a witches costume, Shadow with a sorcerers costume 'to match Rose I assumed', Akai with a- chicken costume, and finally Hosshi with a cats costume.

"Alright thank you everyone for coming to today's Halloween event that I have arranged for you all" I started, and that's when I see Joker, Spade and Shadow's faces turn dark. "What's with the faces?" I asked confused.

"Master, don't tell us we're going 'trick or treating' like kids-" Joker asked sighing for a desperate answer from me. "Why is it a bad thing? I don't see anything wrong with it..." I heard Akai say. "Master..." Joker said as he continued to ignored Akai.

"Uh- that was the- original plan" I admitted "But I thought that you guys would be too old for that so, we are going to do a challenge of truth or dare!" I continued, then saw most their eyes all light up in excitement, ready to take on the challenge that I have provided while others- seemed to dislike the idea. "The rules are simple, the ones who don't do the dare or tell the truth, would have to complete a certain challenge I've made. I won't tell you what they are, but expect it to be bad- well horrible, so it's best to do the dares and tell the truth to avoid doing the challenges, next rule no cheating and last, the winner will get a special prize from me"

(Spade's POV)

It didn't seem all too bad to play truth or dare, I mean it's better than going trick or treating and getting judged on as being 'too old for trick or treating'. The game went smoothly and was starting out fine. The first few people that got a truth told the truth while some others did the dares, until it was... Joker's turn... I was expecting a dare for him to be like 'give up curry for 3 days' or maybe 'stay quiet and not bother anyone for 1 hour' but it was none of my assumptions.

"Joker, we dare you to describe your crush" Master dared him. I saw Joker stiffen at the dare almost immediately, 'This question was obviously written by Queen, I can see the grin on her face right now' I first thought, 'Wait... does he actually like someone as a crush? Who could it be?' I start to wonder. I knew Joker would have a crush on someone of course, but... I can't help think that it might just be a joke or a tease, even though I myself have a crush on Joker- but I wouldn't tell him that... right?

"Uhm- Master could you change the dare? I don't have a crush, and since I don't have a crush, I can't describe one" I heard Joker answer, his words were a little stiff and didn't seem true, so master repeated the dare forcing him to answer the dare or do a challenge.

"Joker, you have to answer the dare, or you will get a challenge." Master said before he continued "Would you rather get a challenge or do the dare?" Joker groaned and made some sounds of protests before he gave in.

"I- fine... I'll describe my crush" I heard Joker respond in frustration. 'So he does have a crush... maybe I could ask Hachi more about his crush, If he gives out useless information about his crush' I thought but when Joker started describing his crush I froze almost immediately.

"M-my crush has beautiful long hair" he started, "he has beautiful eyes and is really hot. I'm not about to say more, that's all you're getting!" Once he finished his last few words I froze completely in shock- 'The only person who is a boy, with long hair in this room... is me!' I thought as a blush slowly started heating up my face. I knew the possibilities were low, like why would he like me? We always fight and stir up trouble, and another reason is because there was still Lupin or Captain Blue as other options, but somehow once he saw me blush, he immediately blushed back and looked away to hide his face. I did the same and hid my face behind my hands in embarrassment.

"Joker-san? Spade-san? Are you two okay?" I heard Hachi ask questionably, "Ohhhh, is it because Joker-san has a crush on Spade-san?"

Once Hachi said that, Joker flinched and stiffened immediately, "H-Hachi! I told you NOT TO READ MY DIARY!" he shouted at the small ninja. Everyone in the room stayed quiet watching the drama in amusement, all smirking at us. "S-so you do like me?" I asked teasing him a little more, even if the blush on my face said otherwise.

"Y-yes" he said responding to my question. "It's Okay if you don't like me back... it is weird to fall in love with your bestfriend- or rival especially if their a boy..." I heard him continue.

"Who said I didn't like you back...?"

Akai: "Huh, Halloween's vampire and demon- literally-"


Akiko: I wrote this for Halloween last year but didn't have the courage to post it- :')

Sorry if it's cringe- 

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