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Woohoo! Two chapters close together!

Sorry again for my massive break.

Very ooc warning for basically everyone. Should have done that warning from the beginning.


Ron kept going, his leg throbbed occasionally, but he pushed through it. He needed to get as much distance between him and that place. He almost wanted to cry when he found himself on a road farther away. It was a dirt road, but a road none the less. The sky was starting to turn a purplish-blue and the nonstop running through desolate, rocky landscapes and lush forests were starting to catch up.

Ron decided to slide back into the treeline he had rushed out of. Close enough to not lose the road, but far in enough to be hidden from any passerby. While he did want to be out of this place, he didn't want to get caught either. He slid down into a small ditch of sorts with tree roots and moss covering hanging above like a small cave.

Rufus slipped out of his pocket and lied down on the moist ground. Ron settled down next to him and pulled out an apple for him and Rufus.

"Don't worry, buddy, we should be out of here soon. Tonight, we will have to take turns watching for anything. I'll take first watch."

Rufus murmured his agreement before snuggling up to Ron and falling into sleep.

Ron slowly watched the surroundings darken to an inky black and wondered whether or not this was as great of an idea as he had thought. Soon enough the darkness awakened with chilling sounds that would scare any sole individual that was out at this time. Ron couldn't help but feel glad that he still had Rufus accompanying him.


The night seemed to go on for eons, with the sounds of searching primates high in the treetops. Ron could have sworn that he had heard Monkey Fist cursing high above in the treetops and maybe he had. It was kind of hard to tell with his mind pulling it's own tricks in the dark.

While it had been agreed to trade watch Ron couldn't find the tiredness he thought he would. So instead he took the whole night while Rufus slept soundlessly. Soon enough he saw the colors returning to the world as the sun rose into the sky.


Ron and Rufus made quick work of another apple and an orange before they headed off again. Ron decided to stay in the treeline as they followed the winding road into a small town. The town looked warn down, but people still moved about. Ron stood inside the trees watching, wondering if he should go out into the open.

Sadly, he didn't get to make a choice.

His sleep deprived mind didn't catch up with the sound behind him and before he knew he was being yanked back farther into the woods.

Rufus shrieked and did what Ron was not capable of in that moment, running down and biting the unforeseen attacker, hard.

The attacked was seemingly unbothered by the bite and instead reached out a hand to grab the small rodent as well. Ron's mind finally caught up and he flung himself at the person, rolling slightly on the ground before he heard a voice he never thought he would hear.


Ron looked up at the familiar voice and starred down at the one, the only, Kim Possible.

"Kim? What are you..W-why...I don't-"

He suddenly found himself being yanked into a tight embrace. Ron tried to pull back as confusing thoughts and emotions erupted inside of him. He wasn't happy, was he afraid? He didn't think so, maybe he was mad? Why was she hugging him? What was going on? Why was she here?

"Oh Ron! I was so worried, you just ran off and no one could find you. I was so worried. I promise I'm going to take you back home. I figured that Monkey Fist had something to do with this after all that stuff went missing-"

Ron yanked himself back and starred at her bewildered, "Kim? What do you mean? You were there. You attacked us. I don't understand."

Kim gave him a saddened look, "Ron, I think Monkey Fist did something to your mind. I was never there, I showed up after the things had been stolen. Don't worry we will get you back home and this will all be sorted out. I'm not mad about what happened nor are your parents, we just want you back home. Please, Ron, you have to believe me."

Ron suddenly felt so much more confused, she had been there. She had been one of the people that threw him out. Had he been manipulated? Could you tell when someone had manipulated you? But it felt so real, you can't fake that realism, right?

"I don't know what to believe."

Kim sighed, "He is messing with you Ron."

Rufus had been watching this whole back and forth. Kim had dropped Rufus when Ron had rushed her earlier on. He wasn't all too sure about what he believed. He hadn't been there when their fight had gone down, but he had been there when he had been given back to Ron and Ron looked like he had been in his right mind.

Rufus moved over to Ron and pulled on his leg, something didn't feel right about all of this. Ron felt that same unease crawling up his spine and followed the tug backwards.

"Ron? Okay, let's just calm down. We can figure this all out." Kim moved forward, following Ron as he continued to back away.

Ron finally cleared some of the fog from his brain, he needed to get away and make sense of all of this. He cleared his throat, "I just want some time alone Kim. I don't know what the truth is right now." Ron backed up and went to spin on his heel, which was a terrible idea as the previous pain suddenly came back full force. He hissed as his ankle gave out.

There was an audible, disappointed sigh.

Ron turned to see Kim shaking her head.

"Ron. Ron, ron, ron, ron, ron. Why can't you just listen? It would have been so simple."

Fear, a primal, monstrous fear. The fear that prey felt as a predator watched them.

"I'm sorry, Ron. I wanted this to work out. I really, truly did miss you. Perhaps there is another way?"

Kim stalked towards Ron as he stumbled, fighting to regain his footing. Rufus jumped at Kim's face and clawed and scratched, he needed to protect his friend. Kim howled as she tried to pull the hairless rodent off of her. She finally dislodged the small creature, throwing it a short distance into a nearby tree.

Ron felt a wave of adrenaline rush through him as he ran towards her. He slammed her into the ground and they rolled, one on top of the other, taking and giving blows. Ron felt bad in the back of his mind but right now he was seeing through rose colored glasses. She had hurt Rufus! Ron didn't care if he was hurt, but not Rufus.

Ron wheezed as Kim punched him in the stomach, air left in a woosh. He laid there trying to regain his composure as Kim moved off somewhere. He looked around and saw Rufus laying on the floor, unconscious.

He saw Kim move back into his vision.

"I didn't want to have to do this, Ron. Sadly you have forced me into this."

He met Kim's eyes, he wanted to ask, wanted to know why. But his tongue, his vocal chords, were numb. He couldn't say anything.


Darkness took over his mind and covered his eyes.



Umm.....please let me know in the comments if you don't like the way this is going.

It's gonna become happier again, but I just needed to put this....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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