Sometimes we Must Regress

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Yes! Finally I have managed to do the next part! I hope all of you enjoy!

P.S. I have no idea if I'll be able to do any lemon/smut scenes.....I have just never done them in the past....the most I have ever done is kissing....

Anyway, On with the story!

A small warning this chapter is a lot sadder than most of the past chapters, if you don't want to be hit by the feels then don't read this chapter. Well, you have been warned. Oh and don't worry there is no character death or self harm in this, just a lot of emotions.


Ron woke up to loud screeches and gibberish. He opened his eyes to see a fuzzy brown creature getting tackled to the floor by a hairless, pink rodent.

"Rufus! Stop that, its just Chippy."

Rufus looked back and forth between his friend and the primate before letting out a mumble of defeat and climbed back into Ron's pocket. Ron sighed as he felt the little Rodent curling up in his clothes before he turned to Chippy, "I'm sorry about that."

Chippy let out a few shrieks before jumping up on the bed and patting Ron's knee before running out of the room and down the hall. Ron went into the closet and decided to change before following the furry creature.

It didn't take too long (thankfully), for him to reach the dining hall. He was slightly shocked when he noticed that Monty -Monkey Fist- wasn't there, but food was. He decided to gobble down a good portion of the food with Rufus's help, of course, before wandering out of the dining hall.

He managed to get one of the monkeys to escort him to where Monkey Fist currently was, which surprise-surprise was a study. Monty was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room farthest from the door. Ron debated whether or not he should announce his presence.

After standing in one spot and debating his options over in his head for several minutes, he was pulled from his thoughts when a cough erupted from the far corner. He looked up to see Monkey Fist starring at him.

"Do you need something, Stoppable?"

", not in particular.......Actually, what are we going to be doing today?"

"Excuse me?!"

Ron shuffled slightly at Monty's harsh tone before whispering, "Well, I mean, it's a little weird. I've been here for some time, yet we've only been on one heist."

Monty smirked, "Did you enjoy stealing, Ron Stoppable?"

Ron's eyes widened, "No! No! I'm just saying...I thought bad guys were always you know trying to be bad."

Monty blinked before hissing, "Before a villain can do something 'bad' as you like to put it, we must first plan. Without a plan the entire heist would crumble. So, Ron Stoppable, I suggest you be glad for this little break and STOP PESTERING ME!"

Ron flinched, he didn't know of it was a reaction to the actual words or to the harshness that they were spoken with. He eventually conceded to what was said (shouted?) at him, and scampered out of the room.

He didn't know why but his heart kind of ached as he sped away from the room, he wasn't exactly thinking straight and before he knew it he was lost.

He. Was. Lost.

The Winding corridors and same-colored walls left him disoriented and sick to his stomach. He eventually decided to retrace his footsteps thinking that was the best way. Of course, the best way isn't always the easiest though, because eventually he realized that he truly didn't remember where he had come from. He groaned with exasperation before deciding to take one path and stick with it, just keep going straight, no twists or turns.

''''''''A little timeskip to sometime later'''''

Ron felt absolutely blessed when he finally came upon the huge front doors, at least he knew where he was now.

He stood there for several seconds, he was pretty sure he knew the way back to his room from here. He mentally kicked himself for saying his room, again, before staring up at the huge doors. This was his way out, he could just leave right then and there. He could go back home to his family and to Kim-No! he scolded himself on even thinking about that! His family had kicked him out, Kim had dumped him as her best friend, there was no going back... In the back of his mind, though, he couldn't but think, 'What if they changed? What if they realized there mistake and actually wanted him to come back?'

He couldn't keep it in any longer, he curled up by the front door and sobbed. Tears rolled down his cheeks and splattered on the ground as he hugged his knees to his chest and let his emotions roll out. Why him? Why couldn't it be someone else, why couldn't he be accepted?

He felt Rufus crawl out of his pocket and press his tiny paws against Ron's arm. The onslaught of sad emotions seemed to become worse now as a tidal wave of pain, confusion, and fear hit him. He felt so broken and so.....alone.

Those words reminded him of what Monkey fist said about them being similar. He curled in on himself more and shivers wracked his body as he continued to cry,releasing his emotions.

"I'm so sorry...Rufus...I'm so sorry. This...this is all my fault."

Rufus tried to make him happy again, he wiggled his way right under Ron's face and poked his nose, but it did nothing. Rufus decided that if he couldn't make him happy, then he would just be there for him. He curled up, putting his ear against Ron's chest and listened to the hevy breathing and heart wrenching cries.

''''''''Another Time Skip''''''''

Monty was absolutely frustrated, he was hating himself for shouting at the boy like he did, but was equally mad at Ron for interrupting him! Couldn't he see he was busy! Stoppable had then run off into a deeper part of the castle, Monty decided to just let him cool off, but that had been five and half hours ago. As soon as he had realized the time, he snapped at his monkey to find the boy and tell him to come back.

That of course was where the next issue occurred. His monkeys managed to find the younger male, but in a worse state than he was before everything had happened.

He walked to the front doors to find the blonde curled in on himself, hugging his legs. He could not see the boys face and sighed, "Stoppable, I need you to stop sulking in that corner and return to my study with me. It is nearly time for the next meal of the day, anyway."

After not receiving a reply, he couldn't help feeling a slight amount of worry stab at him. He stalked towards the disheveled young male and grabbed one of his arms.

"Do you hear me-?!"

That's when he realized it, the rat loving male was unconscious, not from an attack, thankfully. He pulled the male up into his arms and carried Ron back to the room he was staying in. Once there he unfurled Stoppable slightly and noticed the dried up tear tracks that ran down his face and the small rodent that was equally unconscious, laying on the young man's chest.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt a large amount of guilt bury itself deep within him. Was this his fault? He decided not to dwell on it and instead cleaned off Ron's face with a towel that he had wet down in the bathroom. Monty then pulled the covers up over the sleeping male.

Monkey fist finally sat down in one of the nearby chairs and opened up a book, he would wait for Ron to wake up.


Okay so this chapter was super sad, but the next will definitely be a little happier.

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