Kidnapped, by a Monkey?

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       It was a usual day for Ron Stoppable. Go help Kim save the day in some part of the world and then hang with Rufus. Nothing unusual besides the occasional have to clean the room at home and stuff. That changed though, as now it was his 18th birthday. He had to tell everyone and he expected not to see smiles on everyone's faces.

      Ron slowly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, the lights were off. He sighed, everyone was just going to surprise him again. He switched on the lights and sure enough everyone jumped out and shouted:


     Ron still jumped though because he wasn't used to it. I know you would think if this happens every time it is your birthday, you would get used to it. That wasn't the case in Ron's part because it was not like it happened everyday. You only have a birthday once a year, no more. He talked with his family and Kim and Rufus, they ate, and mostly had a good time.

     Kim walked over to Ron, "You okay, you look a little worried?" Ron smiled, "Nah I'm fine."

     "Ron, do you like me?"

     "Of course! As a friend."

     "Oh, could you like me more than that?"

     "What do you mean?"

     "Will you date me Ron?"

     "I'm sorry Kim, but no."

      "Why? Do you like Yori more?!"

       "No! It is just that.....I'm gay."

      "Your what?!"

      "I'm gay."

       Little did Ron know that his parents had been listening the entire time.

      "My own son, gay. This is a very bad day."

      "Mom! Dad! Please wait!"

      "That is it, you are a dishonor to the family Ron."


       "But, nothing. Leave now!"

       Ron was shocked as he was shoved out the door. Rufus crawled out of his pocket and looked at him. "I'm okay, buddy. Don't worry." Rufus shook his head, "Nu-uh."


       Ron sighed,"Where should we go?" Rufus didn't know so he couldn't answer.

      "I'll find out. You can just go to sleep." Rufus nodded and climbed back into Ron's pocket to go to sleep. Ron sighed and kept walking until he came to a bridge. He looked into the murky water, far below. He could end it all right there, right now. No one would stop him. He couldn't, Rufus was there, Rufus needed him. He walked away from the bridge, he was tired. He kept walking and soon found a bench, he lied down and tried to sleep.

       A dark shadow slowly walked towards him, four more shadows followed. "We have him now, the power is so close." Ron stated to wake up and looked at the shadows coming towards him. He got up slowly and bolted. He ran as hard as possible and finally right straight into the park, he weaved around objects and trees, but finally the ground got the better of him and he tripped over a rock. he tried to get up again but a force landed on top of him and he saw shoved back into the ground.

    "We have you now, Ron Stoppable. What a sad name, but it suits you. You are stoppable."

     If Ron could lift his head up he would have retorted to that comment, but he couldn't. He could only lay there and listen to whoever this person was. Wait! That voice sounded so familiar! Who could it be? That is when he felt feet grab his shirt and pull him up slightly. His body went stiff, Monkey! Monkey Fist!!! Soon enough he was faced with the formidable foe, he gulped.

    "Hmm. Where is Ms. Possible? Looks like no one is coming to help or save you."

    "We don't work together anymore. I am on my own." Embarrassment shoved itself in as he said that, the only reason he was here was because he was gay. he couldn't let Monkey fist know that.

    "So, you are far more vulnerable than I thought, but why?"

    "Why what?"

    "Why did you break up your little team?"

    "We just didn't work as well together." His mind meanwhile shrieked: Please don't find out, please don't find out!

    "Hmm. Didn't work well together? I don't believe you, but I will find out the answer. You're coming with me!"

   "Oh really. Says wh-." His mind rolled into blackness as a cloth was put around his mouth. Sleep and darkness took over his mind quickly. The lights were out just like that. The last thing he heard was a faraway and distant laugh, his mind didn't want to comprehend that though.

Monkey Fist X RonWhere stories live. Discover now