Want Me

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Do you even want me?
Do you even care?
Is that all I am?
Just a problem?
You say you can't stand living with me--
Well I hate living with you too.
So go ahead.
I'm calling your bluff.
Throw me out of the house as soon as I graduate.
I'll find someplace to stay I'm sure,
But I will never speak to you again.
Good luck getting to know your grandkids!
I'll never come home!
I don't even think you see me as a person anymore.
But as somebody that you can push around--
Threaten and blackmail--
And somehow you still expect me to love you??
You know,
All I ever wanted to be was wanted.
Maybe you're the one who's impossible to live with.
Maybe you're the one that's the problem.
It's not all 100% my fault every time!
Just know this--
If you kick me out,
I'm done,
And I'm never coming home again.

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