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please don't leave me.

i don't want to be alone again.

i don't want to hear the voices anymore.

i don't want to bottle everything up inside.

because you make me laugh.

you chase away the darkness

the way a candle pushes back the shadows.

but i'm afraid if i get too close--

too close to the warmth of your flame--

i'll burn.

all my walls of stone are flammable,

and nothing is safe from you.

so instead of drawing nearer to the light,

i shy away,

and try to bandage my wounds in the dark.

you beckon to me with soft yellow light,

making nostalgia flicker in my eyes

reminding me of myself--

before i had to hide.

please don't leave me.

i don't want to be alone again.

but i'm scared to death of burning--

scared to death i'll die.

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