𝘔𝘐𝘛: Chapter 3

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May and Peter travel to Happy's condo to stay for a while. The three locks on the door open. Peter and May enter carrying their suitcases and belongings.

Tony's old robot DUM-E stood in the kitchen. It waves at Peter and May. Peter waves back hesitantly as May takes it all in.

"Huh. It looks nice and... this is safe."

Happy trailed behind them carrying bags and a random plant. "Welcome to the spiritual oasis. You like Donkey Kong Jr.?" He asked.

With Y/n,

Y/n helped her mother clean up the remaining plates from the dinner. Pepper watched her daughter and then spoke.

"How's Peter doing?"

Y/n's head shot up. "He's good. Uh...trying to get into MIT. Don't worry, I sent mine off already. It should arrive any day soon."

Pepper smiled. "You are just like your father. He loved all that science stuff too." She smiled again. Y/n nodded remembering.

"I hope I'll get in. MJ, Ned and Peter too of course." Y/n smiled thinking of the future. "It wouldn't be fun without them there."

"Why of course you will. Your a genius and a very intelligent girl. They'd be crazy not to allow you guys in."

Y/n smiled in appreciation of her mothers kind words. These last few days have been crazy.

"I hope so."

A little while later: With Peter,

Peter leaned over the sink trying to scrub the green paint off his red and black suit. A radio broadcast played on the radio as he listened in.

"Nicky from Jersey City, you're on the line." The broadcaster said.

"Hi, I'm not saying I don't want to honor the Avengers, but, you know, we're not doing it this way. You know, putting the Captain America shield on the Statue of Liberty? Nah." The caller replies. "That's gonna look ridiculous! Leave the Statue of Liberty alone..." Peter turns the radio off. He takes a cloth and tries cleaning the suit, but it doesn't work. He throws the cloth away and it hits a large object marked "Stark Cases."

Peter sighs remembering what that case is.

"Oh Happy...."


A little while later, and Peter lay on the couch talking to Y/n who lay on her bed with Morgan beside her.

"Did you send in your applications yet?" Y/n asked.

"Literally just finished my MIT one. You?" He asked.


"Can you imagine if we both got in? And Ned and MJ." Peter said with a smile. Y/n nodded.

"Yeah I-"Morgan cut her off.

"She will. My big sister is the smartest person in that school!." Morgan yelled. Y/n laughed as did Peter.

"She is Morgan." Peter smiled.

"Morgan, time for bed. Stop disrupting your sister!" Pepper's voice was heard in the background. Y/n glanced away off camera as Morgan hopped off the bed and trodded over to her mom.

"Goodnight Morgana." Y/n said.

"Night Y/n. Night Peter!" Morgan yelled.

"Night Morgan." Peter laughed. Y/n turned back to him and smiled again.

"She comes into my room every time she hears you on the phone. Its crazy how much she misses you."

"Well I miss her too." He smiled. Y/n nodded then sighed.

"Yeah back to the MIT business, we'd have to get scholarships so that we could actually go.!"

"Come on, you've got the scores and the grades and--"Y/n cut him off.

"You think I'm being too pragmatic."

"No no no no, Well, kind of. It's okay. That's one of my favorite things about you." Peter smiled.



"What are your other favorite things?" Y/n asked.

"I like how smart you are at building suits and your relentless optimism." He complimented.

"Yeah, I am a glass half-full kind of gal." She smiled. Peter nodded.


"Sure its not my money?" She teased.

"What? No no. Never." Peter said franticly.

She laughed. "It's okay Peter. I'll sugar momma you if you need money."

He scoffed with a smile and shook his head. "You are something else. I really like how you're a people person."

"I love people. Well, except paparazzi's. They're annoying." She said. Peter nodded.

"I completely forgot you were rich and famous. Not gonna lie there."

Y/n nodded. "Wish I wasn't to be honest."

Peter thought for a moment. "You like sports."

"Yeah, I think the Mets are gonna go all the way this year. Used to watch every game with my dad."

Peter gave her a sympathetic smile." I remember how serious he took it" He laughed.

"Yeah." She laughed shaking her head at the memories. Happy started snoring causing Y/n to give Peter a weird look.

"What's that noise?"

"Oh, it's Happy. Look. He gave his room to May so he's sleeping down here." He turned his phone to show her.

Y/n lay back on her bed. "I have a weird question. Um...does any part of you feel relieved about all this?"

Peter sighed. "Ever since I got bit by that spider, I've only had one week where my life has felt normal. Or kind of normal, I guess. And that was when you found out. Because then everyone that was in my life that I wanted to know, knew. And it was perfect." He smiled. Y/n nodded. "But now everybody knows. And I am the most famous person in the entire world... and I'm still broke."

He and Y/n laughed. "Told ya I'd sugar momma you if you needed anything."

He shook his head with a smile.

"I'm excited to see you tomorrow." She smiled. "And MJ and Ned of course."

"Yeah, me too."

"Wrap it up!" Happy said annoyed. Peter looked over. "You both like each other, we get it. Hang up. There's no newground being broken. Okay? I need my eight hours."

"Have you been listening this whole time?" Peter asks.

Y/n waves on Peter's phone screen. "Hi Happy."

"Y/n says hi." Peter says to Happy who waves briefly.


Peter smiles.


The Spider verse-Peter Parker x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora