Part 1

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"Mmgh.." Kaeya groaned, "Kaeya, you're staring again." Childe bit on the straw of his juice box. "No I'm not! I was the wall!" Kaeya looked at Childe, "Yeah? Is the wall that interesting?" Childe smirked, "Yes, actually, it's a nice wall." Kaeya got up. "Yeah right, but, why do you get so jealous of him sitting with other people? He's not attracted to them, they're just his friends." Childe said, "But he could be!" Kaeya kicked a piece of trash that was on the floor, accidentally slipping on it and falling to the ground. 

"Mhm," Childe looked down at Kaeya smugly. "Ugh.." Kaeya sighed.


"Alright class, I'll be handing out your tests!" Mrs. Minci exclaimed with a smile, and started handing out tests. When she got to Kaeya should stopped and flipped the paper upside down, unlike everyone else's. Then moved along. Kaeya already knew he got a bad grade, he flipped the paper over and saw '37/100' damn, that hurt his soul. And probably gonna hurt him physically when his mom finds out. 

Kaeya put his paper in his book bag and looked over to Albedo, he was just getting his test now. Kaeya was surprised when he saw Albedo not even look at the sheet and immediately put it in his book bag! 

Doe's he already know he has a bad test score, or is it because he already knew he got an 100? Hm. Kaeya thought.

"All right class, now, let us begin our lesson shall we?" Mrs. Minci got a piece of chalk out and began writing math problems on the board. Kaeya just zoned out after that.

Before he knew it, class was over. Everyone began getting up and leaving, Kaeya had to snap himself out of his daydreams yet again. He got up and was one of the last ones the walk out, but Albedo was behind him. They had the same class, so the same place to go. 

When Kaeya noticed Albedo behind him, he blushed and felt like he was walking weird. He even almost tripped a few times. God how embarrassing is that, right?

 Luckily Albedo was on his phone, guess he knew him and Kaeya were going to the same class so he just needed to keep Kaeya in his sight and he'd be fine. Kaeya wanted to talk to him, but he was too nervous.

They both arrived at class soon and got to their seats before the second bell rang. 


"Finally, the days done!" Childe leaned up against a locker that was next to Kaeyas, "Mhm," Kaeya put his books in his locker and closed it. "Wanna go grab drinks? It'll be on me!" Childe smiled confidently, "You know, even though you got a job, you shouldn't be wasting your money so carelessly." Kaeya began walking out the school doors, with Childe beside him. "Aw, what's wrong? You aren't usually such a buzz kill," Childe poked at Kaeyas cheek with a frown.

"I'm just stressed, I need to finish a few projects. So I'll be going to the cafe, just to avoid my mom. I got a bad score on my math test." Kaeya sighed, "All right, well, so you tomorrow then." Childe waved bye and started heading home, which was a different direction then where Kaeya was going. 


Kaeya got to the cafe and decided to get a coffee before he began work, "What would you like?" a warm smile came from the worker. "One venti coffee, with sugar and cream please." Kaeya took out a few bucks and handed it to the worker, "Thank you, it will be ready in a minute." the worker said.

Long Walk Home. / KaebedoWhere stories live. Discover now