Journey to.. the middle of nowhere

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-"How long is it back to the encanto?" Mirabel whispers back to dolores. Dolores frowned before sighing.

"It sounds like it could be about 2 days just to get there unless we can buy a horse"

"How can you hear all that?" Mason asked as he joined in interested in the conversation. "Oh what Dolores means to say is that it would be a long trip just to get there it's not like she hear a mile away hehe.."

Mirabel awkwardly spoke as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Um okay.."

The three of them continued walking down the lush path for what almost seemed to be hours, As the summer heat began heating up.

"Can I ask you something Mason?" Dolores spoke softly interrupting the silence Mason only nodded as he continued looking at the path they were walking on.

"What would happen if.. you didn't really belong back at the tower but instead with us?" Mason looked a bit confused as he opened his mouth to say something but closed it when Mirabel shouted from in front of them.

"Hey, I found something!"

Mason and Dolores looked up seeing Mirabel standing close to a small cafe. "We can rest here for a bit before continuing the journey."

"The friendly cafe? Doesn't seem quite friendly due to the turn back signs and broken glass windows??" Mason spoke as he looked at the whole cafe from the outside. "We don't have enough food for three people and maybe it's cooler inside" Mirabel said as she swung her book bag proving her point.

As the three of them walked inside they were met with a foul smell as some people staying in the cafe were either thieves or people just trying to advoid the heat from outside. Dolores stood close by to Mirabel and Mason as they walked up to the front.

"Do you have any food we could probably get for free?" Mirabel pleaded with a smile. The grunt as he glared at her.

"Nothing in here is for free unless you got something valuable for trade?" 

Mason glanced at Mirabel who quickly shook her head.

"I suppose i could get you three some water that's the only thing free here"

The man huffed at her before walking to the other side of the counter filling up the cups.

-"Hey what are you doing?!" Mirabel whispered at Mason who was now taking huge quantities of fruit in front of them.

"Taking some of the fruit, what else?" Mason whispered low enough as he started packing up Mirabel's book bag.

Mirabel looked at Mason with an annoyed look. "That's practically stealing you know"

"And these people probably stole it from a carriage" Mason snapped back as he took a bite of an apple before getting the remaining fruit.

The man started to walk back to the center of the counter.


Mason awarklyed placed the fruit behind the counter smiling nervously. "You three are in huge trouble!" The Man shouted as he pointed his finger directly at the three.

"w-Well pay.. Just let us go and we'll- The Man drew his sword right in front of Dolores causing to do a small whimper.

"That fruit is hard to come by when you live in a forest away from a town. But.. maybe you could be quite useful" The Man said as he began to rub his chin.

Four men came up and began to grab Mirabel and Mason by the arms, tossing them to the floor.

Mason and Mirabel both nearly winced in pain as they glanced back at the Man.

Encanto The Lost MadrigalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon