Final Chapters 1/3

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 Sun slowly arose as it allowed the bright warmth of the light to shine through their small camp.

-"Got everything?" Dolores asked as she turned around to the two. Mirabel and Mason both nodded as the three of them prepared to walk down to the encanto.

As they were walking down the road a bit closer to the Encanto Mason couldn't help but be a bit self-conscious as he held the book bag closer to him.

The whole town was decorated beautifully with pink and purple shades of flowers everywhere the eye could see, including some music being played by the local musicians.

"This town looks amazing!" Mason said as they were walking further.

As they were walking they couldn't help but stop and listen to the music.

"We should probably go.." Dolores whispered as she tried to walk in front of the group.

"What's the rush after all this is.. a celebration" Mason said as he started dancing himself. Dolores couldn't help but let out a small laugh as she joined him.

The three dance along happily with the town with laughter and music.

-"Hey can I show you something?" A small girl in a Colombian hat asked as she grabbed Mason's hand.

Mason looked back at Dolores and Mirabel who were still dancing well.. mainly Mirabel.

The girl led him to a nearby picture on the wall. "You look just like him?" The young girl said as she pointed to the boy.

Mason looked at it clearly more confused as it almost looked like an exact copy of him.

"I didn't know who he was but my parents say that he was the kidnapped madrigal that we lost so that's why we have this festival"

Mason looked at the girl. "What's your name?"

"Alicia" The girl said with a smile.

Mason smiled back as well. "Thank you for showing me this..but i really should be heading back to my friends now"

Mason waved goodbye before leaving unaware that something magical was happening as well.


Alma was in her bed staring at her old picture of her young self and Pedro.

She had lost Bruno and now she has lost three more grandchildren.

"Pedro... Please give me a sign that my family is safe, you're the only one whom I have trusted and now... Julietta and Pepa's kids are now gone, Pepa barely leaves her room anymore unless Antonio or Felix begs her to come out. And now I have lost.. Mirabel even if she has no gift i still deeply care about her"

Alma was now sobbing as tears slowly started to stain her face.

She almost couldn't contain her sadness for her family but something bright began to flood the room.

Alma looked up and saw the Candle glowing furiously as its magic started to sparkle.

Alma was shocked as the candle started to fade back to its original state.

Alma held the picture tighter in her arms as she wiped her tears.

"Thank you Pedro.. I'll make sure that this family gifts would be put to use"

And with that she left the room.


"Mmm.. this is a delicious Arepa" Mason mumbled as he ate it happily.

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