Chapter 6

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 This isn't exactly a long chapter, it's more towards the short side. The next chapter would be less dramatic lol since it's almost near the end of story but anyways this chapter is told through Mirabel and Mason's Pov.

-"Can you hear me?" a High yet worried voice sat nearby gently shaking him. Mason blinked heavily before coughing up the remaining water in his lungs.

The sky was just slowly approaching night as the Sun was beginning to set.

"Woah! Calm down Mason your safe" Mirabel said. As she slowly patted his back. Mason took in his surroundings seeing they were at the edge of a river stream.

"Where.. is..- "She's still knocked out from that jump, I saw you moving so i went over to you to check if you were awake." Mirabel said as she sat near him before fixing her glasses pointing to her prima on his left side.

"You two were both pretty much knocked out from that jump so I had to drag all three of us to dry land and trust me it wasn't easy.. since you and dolores were pretty heavy to drag."

Mason looked over at her stunned before simply calming down a bit and smiled. "Gracias Mirabel''

Mirabel smiled. "No problem But it's starting to get late we should probably wake up dolores now"

"Good Point"


-"Thank you for saving us Mira" Dolores said as she shivered a bit near the fire. Mirabel only shrugged in response as she ate another bite of her fruit.

As the three of them were gathered around the fire talking Mason couldn't help but see something moving in the bushes behind him.

"Uh guys.. I'll get us some more firewood" Mason said as he stood up trying to make an convincing lie.

Dolores and Mirabel looked at each other with an Alarm look. "Is everything okay??"

-"Yes! Just a bit cold and all but I'll be right back!" He said rather loudly, making dolores almost flinched.

Mirabel and Dolores both watched him disappear into the woods as they looked back at each other.

"Do you think he's hiding something?" Mirabel asked as she sat near her cousin. Dolores frowned. "Maybe.. But even if I wanted to find out the waterfall is still way too close to us so it's almost impossible to hear."

"But I think I could hear a range of familiar voices.."


"Yeah we're pretty close to the encanto now so we'll be able to make it in time"

Mirabel sighed in relief before feeling a wave of guilt come over her.

"But what about Mason?! What do we tell him.... We can't just say hey your my long lost primo and Dolores long lost hermano and in fact this whole trip was nothing but a trick to reunite you with our family"

Dolores looked at her a bit confused before listening closely at the hard truth in her words.

Dolores let out a small sigh. "We'll tell him when the moment's right otherwise we might have to-

-"Have to what?"

Dolores and Mirabel both turned their heads around seeing Mason holding some firewood in his arms looking slightly annoyed.

"Have.. to... go show you the sights and wonderful things in the village!" Mirabel quickly added for Dolores.

Mason's stern look dropped as he relaxed a bit before putting the remaining wood carefully into the fire.

Dolores mouthed a 'Thank you' to her as they both silently promised to keep this conversation between them.

Mason's Pov.

Dolores and Mirabel looked at each other with an Alarm look. "Is everything okay?"

-"Yes! Just a bit cold that's all but I'll be right back!" He said rather loudly, making Dolores almost flinched.

Mirabel and Dolores both watched him disappear into the woods as they looked back at each other.

Mason kept looking back making sure he wasn't being followed. He saw the bushes began to shuffle a bit as he started to slowly move towards it before pulling it back.

"-That's... impossible.."

Mason said as he backed away before hitting a nearby tree that was behind him. The tall dark figure removed her hood as she stood before him.

"Impossible like escaping a tower? Or finding your dear old mother out here in the woods" Lady Raven said a bit venomous at the beginning.

Mason nearly choked and he tried to get his words out. "But.. I mean what are you doing here!?"

The lady faked smiled as she walked closer to him ruffling his curls. "Isn't it obvious.. I was so worried when i didn't find you in the tower so i followed you here, Come on we have to leave immediately while we still-

Mason snatched his hand back with force. "I'm staying! They promise they will take me to see those lanterns tomorrow and i promise i will return there- 

Lady Raven smirked as she opened her bag her bag revealing a crown.

Mason looked at her in shocked as he tried getting it back. "Where did you get it!?"

"You'll be surprised at what all sorts of things float in a nearby river.. like a lost crown for example"

Lady Raven said as she tossed it back to him. Mason almost dropped it as it landed between his arms.

But she still wasn't done.

"Remember this always Mason..they're only using you and once they have that crown back in their hands they will betray you right in the back" Lady Raven said menacing.

Mason felt angry at this as he harshly shouted at her. "YOUR LYING!"

Lady Raven didn't say another word as she just walked away.

"Remember what I said mason, you'll thank me for it.." She said darkly before disappearing off into the woods.

Mason looked down at his hand seeing the crown he held before thinking if she was right about all this.

But for now Mason got a couple of sticks of firewood, hoping to hide the crown before he can place it back into the book bag"

As he was walking back he heard Dolores and Mirabel talking about something that sounded important as he returned.

"Have to what?" Mason asked a bit interested in what they had to say. He could see in there eyes as they both looked clearly surprise of how fast he was able to return so quickly but he didn't say anything as Mirabel spoke up.

"Have.. to... go show you the sights and wonderful things in the village mason's stern look disappeared as he relaxed a bit. "Oh okay"

As he was placing the final bits of wood into the fire Mason carefully slid that book bag close enough to his side as he slid in the crown.

As they were all getting ready to sleep for the night. 

Mason couldn't help but hear his mother's words repeating over and over in his head. 

Mason looked over at Mirabel and Dolores who were now sound asleep as he held the book bag closer to his side he tried his best to clear his mind before getting some long needed sleep.

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