Chapter One: Out of Necessity

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"Are you really bailing on me last minute? Where the hell am I supposed to get another roommate on such short notice? Come on, Venti!" Xiao nearly shouted out.

"I'm sorry, Xiao... something urgent came up, so I have to move in with my brother. It's not a total loss though, his apartment is within driving distance of school so we'll still see each other in class and stuff," Venti said somberly, fading into consolation.

"Ugh, fine," Xiao huffed out. "If it's important, I don't mind, but the dorm manager might once she sees I don't have a roommate..."

"I'm sure you'll find one in time!" Venti said happily, a sharp contrast to his gloomy tone just seconds before, as he quickly hung up on Xiao, who was currently having a fit in his half-empty dorm room. A frustrated look could be clearly seen on the short Yaksha's face.

"Stupid Venti... Shitty dorm manager... School starts in four days! What am I supposed to do?" Xiao almost threw his phone across the room, but then he caught sight of the calendar hanging on the door. Xiao stared at it for a minute, contemplating his situation. His eyes landed on the date August 13th with a note below it saying 'First day of semester'.

"I guess there's no time like the present," he grumbled out. "But who'd need to stay in such a shitty dorm like this one just a few days before school starts? Whatever, I'll just post that there's an opening and pray to Rex Lapis."

Xiao let out a long, annoyed sigh as he pressed the 'post' button on his phone. To be honest, Xiao had already resigned to his fate of having to move out of the dorms, but he would have gladly accepted that outcome if he knew what storm was about to hit him.

Two days later, Xiao got a notification on TeyvChat saying that someone was interested in his dorm opening post. That certain someone sent him a message saying that they could move in the next day.

"What type of idiot is this dude? 'Arataki Itto', is this guy from Inazuma? Did he not have a different roommate lined up? Ah what the hell, it doesn't matter to me as long as he can actually move in tomorrow."

Xiao replied with a confirmation, and it was all set up. This "Arataki Itto" would move into the dorm the very next day and was supposed to stay for the whole year. Poor Xiao.

<< Thanks for reading!! I hope you liked the first chapter, the rest are already on AO3 if you'd like to read ahead! Once again, thanks for reading and see you guys on February 27th! >>

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