Chapter Twelve: Tedious Preparations

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A loud groan echoed through the dorm room. "Man, exam prep sucks." Itto complained, drawing out the last word more than the others.

"Well, if you wanna get good grades, then you usually have to study, especially when it comes to people like you." Xiao retorted, trying to study.

"'People like me'? What's that supposed to mean?" The Oni replied defensively.

As the room quieted, the typing of keyboards and flipping of pages filled the vacuum. Itto was sitting on the floor and leaning on his bed as he struggled to keep his eyes trained on his laptop. Xiao, on the other hand, was sitting up in his bed with several binders sprawled about upon the sheets. On the nightstand next to Xiao's bed were several empty coffee cups and napkins from a local cafe.

Itto once again spoke up. "This is so boring!" He drawled. "I wanna do something as soon as exams are over! Say, why don't me and Sara go on a double date with you and your mysterious partner!"

"No." Xiao stated bluntly in return. "Reason one being that this whole 'romantic relationship' is really new for me, and I really don't wanna mess up what I have right now. Reason two: do you really want to bother Sara to come all the way back to Liyue for a date ? She was just here a few days ago, and you want to drag her back here so soon?"

Itto gave a hefty sigh and replied, "Fine. No double date... for now ..."


Xiao strolled through the LiU library, looking for study material for one of his exams. Not finding what he was looking for, he decided to stop and sit down at the lounge in the middle of the library. As he sat down in the comfortable chair, he noticed a figure out of the corner of his eye.

"Is that..." he mumbled under his breath, "Itto?"

Itto was standing in the middle of a row of shelves, seemingly engrossed in the book he was holding.

"I wonder... what's he reading?"

Xiao creeped to the other side of the lounge to get a better look at his roommate.

"Hey, he's in the nonfiction section! Is he studying? Let me get a closer look at the book he's reading..."

The Adeptus shuffled to the corner of the shelf Itto was standing at. He paused and squinted to examine the mysterious book in question.

"'Advanced Guide to... Rhinoceros Beetles'? Ah, of course. I should've known."

Unbeknownst to his observer, Itto continued to thoroughly read the pages in front of him, occasionally nodding in understanding or humming in response to his own thoughts.

Xiao decided that nothing out of the ordinary was at play and walked to the other side of the library where he would hopefully find the books he was looking for.

<< Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter. Good news: we are now caught up with the AO3 version! Bad news: after the next update, in order to keep in line with the AO3 version's update schedule, the Adeptus and the Oni on Wattpad will update every other Sunday rather than every Sunday. I hope you guys can bear the longer wait! Anyways, see you next Sunday! >>

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