Chapter Ten: An Unexpected Discovery

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A few weeks had passed since the trio's adventure to IHOP, and Xiao was getting off of one of his evening classes. Since it was a Friday, Xiao was practically itching to get back to his dorm and take a catnap with Whiskers. He had an extremely exhausting week, especially since midterms were coming up in a few weeks, so he needed to regain some energy before his weekend plans.

The Adeptus opened the door to his dorm to find a giggling Itto. Itto seemed to be staring intently at his phone, occasionally typing frantically.

"What's up with you this time?" Xiao queried, uninterested. "What's got you giggling like that weird Hu Tao girl I see all the time in history class?"

Itto looked up from his phone with a smug expression. "I'm texting my girlfriend ," He said, stretching out the last word.

Xiao scoffed. "You? A girlfriend? When mora weasels fly."

"Read it and weep!" The Oni exclaimed while holding up his phone for his roommate to see. He puffed out his chest in confidence. "We've actually been dating for the better part of a year."

"Wow, I'm surprised you could convince someone to date you, and for most of a year, no less? Whoever it happens to be has my condolences."

"Hey! I'll have you know I am very persuasive when it comes to the ladies," The Oni shot back defensively.

"Rex Lapis, have mercy on that poor soul..."

"So anyway, she's visiting Liyue for the weekend, and we're supposed to meet up tomorrow!"

"Why now of all times? Aren't exams coming up?"

"She's here for Yae Fest. You know, that convention. I'm supposed to be her tour guide and bag carrier while she's here." Said the Oni offhandedly.

"Don't they have Yae Fest in Inazuma? Why is she coming here?"

"She wanted to see me, ya know, cause we haven't seen each other in so long."

Xiao gave Itto a skeptical look. "Let me guess, she couldn't attend the Inazuma one, so she's coming to this one because it's the next best thing."

"Jeez man, your words are mean! True, but mean."

Xiao let out a sigh. "So you're going with her? What days are you guys going?" Xiao asked, his interest piqued.

"Both tomorrow and Sunday. She wants to see her favorite character's voice actor or something."

"Shit." The Adeptus said under his breath.

"Huh? What'd you say?" Itto asked curiously.

"Nothing. I'm tired. I'm gonna go to sleep soon. You probably should too if this girlfriend of yours is going to be dragging you around all day."

"Alright then, 'night."


Itto and his raven-haired companion wandered throughout the convention center, the former holding lots of bags and even a limited edition Raiden Shogun body pillow signed by the voice actor herself.

"Jeez, how do you walk so long in those heels? What are they, 4 inches? I'm having trouble and my shoes are like, a million times more comfortable than yours." The Oni said, struggling to hold all of the items his girlfriend asked him to carry.

"They are 5 inches, actually. The way I see it, heels represent not only grace and poise, but also strength and control. They are proof of a strong will." Kujou Sara replied to her tiring boyfriend.

Before Itto could further question his girlfriend, he spots a familiar figure near the Venders' Corner.

"Wait a minute ..." He muttered.

"What is it, Itto? See someone you recognize?"  Sara asked.

"Yeah ... it's my roommate! Let's go over to him!"

"Alright then, as long as we make it to the panel in time."

<<Hey guys! Thanks for reading! We're almost caught up to the AO3 version, so in a few weeks, you'll see some completely new chapters! Leave a vote or a comment if you enjoyed the story so far. See ya in a week!>>

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