Chapter 4: Let's Join A Gang

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"History rewrites itself everyday. Life has it's own system of checks and balances & then there are prophecies. History repeats itself everyday"

RETLAS Hideout
Bedstuy, Ny
6am later that morning

Suri is walking into the hideout defeated. She is greeted by Osal, who is standing in the hallway without a single mark on him. As he turns around Suri sees eyes that look exactly like hers. Before she can even ask he beckons her into the living room which is full of the other escapees. Suri walks to the front of the room and stands on top of a table.

"Now that everyone's here... this is, let's call it, initiation night. Osal, will you grab shot glasses for everyone? We'll let death separate the weak from the strong. By the way, this is your last chance to leave before we start." She says.

Two people slowly stand and walk out. After a few seconds of silence, Osal comes in the room with the glasses and hands them out. Suri rolls up her sleeve.

"Now, let's join a gang." she says.

Fall 2033
RETLAS Hideout
Bedstuy, Ny

All the pledges in the room have a tiny shot of blood on their glasses. They watch Suri as she fills the last glass & bandages her forearm.

"You guys know what to do." Suri says while waving her hand at them.

They all take the shot except for one. He looks down at the shot and looks up at the table. Suri is standing behind him. 

"You remember when I asked everyone if they wanted to leave & you stayed your ass right there?" He spins around and looks at Suri with a look of fear and bewilderment. His hands start shaking as he backs up into the wall, her golden eyes paralyze him. 

"Don't worry if you spill some, there's an endless supply." Suri says with a grin.

He hyperventilates as he sees the other people in the room fall on the floor, convulsing everywhere. He looks at the drink then at Suri & drinks it. His eyes roll back as his back violently hits the wall. Instead of falling and convulsing, he puts his hands over his eyes, stumbling into a corner. Suri spins him around and when he puts his hands down, blood is streaming from his eyes.

"More plot twists huh?" Suri says. He falls to his knees and holds his head. Suri, walks around him in an almost ritualistic manner. She stops in front of him and he looks up at her with golden eyes then he yells in pain. He put his head back into his hands and Suri put her hand on his head.

"You're going to be the strongest of all my warriors. From here on out you will be called Norach, after Hades' very own ferryman. You will help me deliver anyone in my way to judgement day." Suri says.

Norach falls to the ground and passes out, the last image he sees is Suri walking towards the other bodies on the floor. 

"Now, what's are we going to do with you guys? Osal, looks like we have some expanding to do... grab two sledgehammers, if this is going to be a base.. we're going to do it right." She exclaims.

Osal disappears in the back as Suri starts sitting the pledges up.

East Harlem
Earlier that Night

The Corporation truck holding Neshon is on its way back to the Corporation Black site. The truck has to take the back roads in order to not raise suspicion amongst civilians. They turn down a one way to take a shortcut back to HQ. Halfway down the street their tires are popped by a swarm of Royals. As the officers get out and point their weapons into the crowd, the Royals leader Dion comes to the front of the pack. Dion smiles while he speaks.

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