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What I don't understand about the whole "God doesn't like homosexuality" thing is, people can't help who they love. Not only that but homosexuality is in nature. It just doesn't make any sense and the Bible is so fucking vague about it too. And I know there are people who are like, "Oh you're not gay, you just haven't found the right girl/guy yet." But the thing is that they've never been interested in anyone opposite of their sex and probably never will be. So what are they supposed to do? Be lonely and miserable for the rest of their life knowing that they'll never find a partner? It's such a depressing thought. I highly doubt God would punish people for trying to find love in their life. And if he did then what's the point in love at all? What's the point in finding love when you're gonna get punished for it anyway. And don't tell me that's why you hate religion or whatever because I don't care about that and it's not something I want to hear when I'm currently trying to figure my own religion. I know I can't get all of the answers but on things like this, I would like to know what's going on.

I don't understand and I've tried finding answers and all I've got is vagueness.

I swear I'm going to go insane-

I bet if I told my dad about this he's gonna be like "You're over faking it". If people are going to hell for trying to find a relationship in their life then I would like to know EVERYTHING about why it's a sin or whatever. Like I get that there are people who can live without having a love life but there are plenty of people like me where it's one of their main goals is to find love! So what the hell are we supposed to do when we're not interested in the opposite gender? Do we just be alone for the rest of our fucking lives or do we go to hell??

What makes this worse is that you're probably not gonna find the perfect person for you. You have a better chance of getting shot than to find your perfect match. So it's not gonna be easy trying to find a good partner of opposite sex when you're GAY. Especially in this day in age where people are insane (Well...if you're in southern usa that is- people are horrible down here, idk about northern usa)

Anyway I'm done ranting...

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