Nightmare (2)

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There was this small segment of this man, who was a scientist, experimenting with something. He was trying to no-clip through a wall. He tried a few times and eventually made it through. There was silence...he never came back.

I was on my bed listening to my favorite music. The music would change based on the picture that was on the wall or tv. The music switch to Heathens and there was a disturbing picture on the wall. I didn't think much of it. When the song ended, it switch to a disturbing picture of a corpse. There was no music but the sound of a man's deep voice whispering into me ear. I tried to move, but I was stunned when he stabbed me in the kidney. I couldn't comprehend what the hell he was saying because I was too busy trying to not bleed out. I could barely move. The man told me to take his hand. I eventually did. Then... I was taken back to the start. The song was playing heathens again and I panicked. The eyes on the picture where spinning like crazy. I tried to find a way to stop the music so I wouldn't deal with that guy again. And just as the music stopped, I heard my dad open a door. And I woke up shouting that I'm free.

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