Chapter Three

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    "Marinette, you need to get up." Alya lightly shakes the girl awake as she sits at her feet. She was asleep alone on the couch. Had Chat left during the night and she didn't notice? "You know if you're having trouble sleeping I have some stuff to help with that." Alya suggests, looking over to Nino.
    "No it's not that, I came out to watch a movie and must have fallen asleep. That's all." Marinette explains. It wasn't totally a lie, she did come out here and watch a movie, but she didn't want to mention Chat noir since Nino was in the room. Alya sighs, feeling like her friend was lying but chose to believe her. If Marinette had a reason to lie to her of all people, it was something important and she respected that boundary.
    A sudden knock at the door alarms Marinette as Nino heads to the door. Alya stands as Marinette heads to her room so the guest doesn't see her bed head. She heard voices of her friends in the living room, but the new voice belonged to Adrien. Why was Adrien at their apartment again? Why did she not know he was coming over again? She pushed the questions away realizing they could have been last minute plans since she was asleep anyways.
    She heads out to the living room, her hair tied back into one ribbon instead of two, to greet her friends. Adrien's face lights up as Marinette walks into the room, he notices her hair immediately as she walks out. He liked it, it felt new on her. The red ribbon always was a good look on her, it contrasted well with her dark blue hair. "Hey Marinette, how was your first night in the new apartment." Adrien diverts his attention to only her now, giving her the spotlight as he speaks. She felt kind of awkward though from the attention the three had focused on her.
    "It was nice, I slept on the couch though and enjoyed a good movie. I think how the night ended was pretty good after a long day." Marinette Blushes, thinking about how Chat Noir and her had cuddled that night. She missed him now. When She looked up to the two, she noticed Adrien blushing slightly as she speaks. Is something wrong with him? Is he sick? She thought to herself. "Are you okay Adrien? You look red." Marinette points out.
    Adrien awkwardly laughs, trying to remain calm. So this is what it was like for Marinette around me before. He thought. "I'm all good, I just got like a hot flash or something. I'm fine." He maintains himself before admiring the girl again.
    "Anywayssss, before it gets to weird in here. We where just thinking about how we should invite everyone form our old class to a party here. We could dress up and have fun. I think it would be nice for our first week as adults." Alya breaks the tension by the mention of the party. Marinette actually liked the idea. She was also curious about what everyone else was doing now since they graduated.
    "A party sounds great, gives me an excuse to show off how I've been practicing fashion. My college classes have been paying off is all I can say." Marinette sassily throws her hair back to add a more dramatic effect to her comment. Adrien just admires her beauty as she talks to them, blocking out most of their conversation.
    "Earth to Adrien. Did you hear what they said dude? Bro it's out of it." Nino grabs the attention of the blonde who hadn't been listening.
    "Uh, sorry what?" Adrien asks confused.
    "Are you going to come to our Party or what? After all you where in our class." Nino asks, putting an arm around Adrien. He and Marinette lock eyes for a second and exchange a smile. They where both happy to be around each other again, and now that they both could actually talk to one another, they had a pretty good friendship.

    After planning the party, Alya and Marinette talk about what they are going to wear since they wanted to host it that upcoming weekend. Nino and Adrien sent out invitation to everyone in their class, even people they didn't necessarily like. Marinette decided she would put together a red dress for herself, and a orange one for Alya. She liked the idea that they had the colors of their alternate heros. Alya was the only one who knew Marinette was ladybug, that's why Alya is a permeant holder of the fox Miraculous.
    Now that the invites are sent and outfits are planned it was time to find decorations. Adrien insisted on paying for the food and drinks and anything else needed. Nino said he should while Alya and Marinette tried to convince him not to, in the end, the boy's decision was finale and Adrien paid for the party.

Time Skip

Marinette holds the necklace Chat Noir had given her, she missed Chat already. She was nervous for the party, especially since people like Chloe and Lila would be there, but she had to be the bigger person. The party was in a few hours and everyone had planned on coming. Alya and Nino already are dressed for the event, Marinette however got caught up with an Akuma right before hand so she had to rush. She put on the silk red dress she had made for herself and tucked her necklace under the fabric so it wasn't seen. She bushes and put her hair into a bun wrapped with her iconic red ribbon. She looked into the mirror at her reflection, she was beautiful. She didn't wear much makeup on a normal bases, so she just applied some lip gloss and mascara before being done. She sprayed her Adrien fragrance perfume and was done. She looked at the blue perfume bottle and sighed, she couldn't believe after all these years she was still using it.
Closing the door behind her, Marinette walked out of the bathroom and was ready for the quests to arrive. Her phone buzzes in the purse she is carrying, and a message from C.N says - No patrol tonight M'Lady, I have plans - Chat noir texted Marinette's burner phone she had bought to use as ladybug since she couldn't transform all the time to use her bug phone. - Okay kitty, take the night off. - She replied, smiling at his cute profile picture she had put for him. It was both of them smiling together as ladybug took the photo. Chat made her so happy, she was grateful for her amazing partner. - Thanks <3 Gonna party it up haha - This message grabs her attention more though, he was going to a party to? What are the odds. She shrugs it off and puts her phone away as the first two guests arrive.

Loving and Loosing , Miraculous Ladybug Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt