Chapter Six

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Marinette sat in Adrien's car as he loaded the Box in the back seat. She rests her head in her hand as she looks out the window into the night only lighted by the light of the moon. It felt weird fighting with Alya. Usually they never fought besides sometimes. It was rare, but they where friends. This time however, felt different.
Adrien sat in the driver seat as he buckled in. He looked over to the gloomy girl and sighed. He wanted her to feel better. The guilt he felt towards the situation was terrible. If only he hadn't tried to walk away from Lila, this wouldn't have happened. He pulled out the car and started on the way to his apartment. The car ride was long and silent. Marinette had fallen asleep by the time they arrived. Adrien couldn't help but admire the face of the sleeping girl. She was so cute. It was already late and he didnt want to wake her, so after bringing all her stuff to his apartment, he carried her. He couldn't help but notice the earrings he hadn't seen before. Did he really miss this big of a clue? It felt so obvious that she was ladybug now.
He sets her down in his bed, tucking her into the soft covers and sitting at her feet. He would sleep on the couch for the night but wished he could cuddle up in bed with her. He sighed and got up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him ever so quietly. Plagg immediately flew out of his shirt and over to the cheese that was sitting on the table.
Adrien layed on the couch with no blanket, the only thing that came to his mind was that ladybug was asleep in his bed. It was crazy how much this night had brought to him, but he also felt bad about how much it brought to Marinette. Her best friend and her where in a fight because of Lila. He hated Lila so much, even thought they where colleagues, that didn't stop his hatred.
"So, Marinette is asleep in your bed huhhhh." Plagg teased as Adrien starred at the ceiling. He sighed and turned to his Kwami who had just put the last piece of his cheese in his mouth.
"Ladybug, is in my bed Plagg." His Kwami coughed and almost choked on the cheese as he heard the words leave Adrien's mouth. He had to stop Adrien before he figured out Ladybug's identity, if it wasn't already to late.
"Whattttt. Marinette could never be Ladybug. They aren't even a like!" Plagg nervously laughed and turned his face away from Adrien. Hoping his holder wouldn't catch onto his lies.
"She has the necklace I, Chat Noir, gave ladybug. That can't be a coincidence. That was a custom." Adrien stated, still thinking about the Ladybug trinket he had made.
Plagg gave up and let out a loud sigh. "Well when Tikki gets mad, at least know I tried." He says, crossing his arms in a sassy way. Adrien immediately sat up to Plagg's words that confirmed his thoughts. He had found out who ladybug was!
"I have to tell her I know! I wouldn't be able to lie to her. I could never lie to M'Lady!" Adrien jumps in excitement as Plagg face palms.
"Isn't it like your whole job to lie to each other. You know, being a superhero and all." Plagg mentioned, already annoyed that he knew Tikki would be so upset. Adrien knew who ladybug was and it was a major risk towards beating Shadowmoth.
"Well this is different. I can't hide that I know who she is, besides if she really is Ladybug. It means I've loved the same girl this whole time!" Adrien spoke a little to loud before plagg covered his mouth.

In the other room Marinette woke up in a different setting, it must be Adrien's bed. She looked around in shock before hearing Adrien's voice. Tikki flew out besides Marinette as she woke up. They heard another voice besides Adrien's. Tikki already knew who it was before Marinette did. Before the girl could open the door, Tikki stopped her. "Wait! Uh, what if it's a private conversation?" Tikki panicked as she heard plagg's voice.
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind Tikki. Why are you acting so weird" The she heard Adrien's voice through the door again, but more clear this time since she was close to the door. "Well this is different. I can't hide that I know who she is, besides if she really is Ladybug. It means I've loved the same girl this whole time!" She heard. She immediately looked at Tikki who gave a panicked look before Marinette finally opened the door to see Plagg covering Adrien's mouth. Tikki flew next to her, since there was no reason to hide at this point.
"M- Marinette." Adrien says, Plagg rubbing the back of his own neck, avoiding the eye contact from Tikki. "This isn't good Adrien. You know how important it is that we don't know who each other are." Marinette walks towards the boy and his Kwami. Tikki crossing her arms as she looks at Plagg, who still won't make eye contact.
"I know, it's just the necklace I gave you. I saw it when Chloe pushed you earlier and I wanted to say something but then you would have know I was Chat Noir, then you would have gotten super upset even after already being upset so I..." Before he could finish Marinette stopped him from talking as she embraced him into a hug. "You stupid Chat." Tears filled her eyes. She knew this was bad, but it felt good to know who he was finally.
"Are you not mad at me M'Lady?" Marinette broke the hug at his words. "First of all, no. It's not your fault. Second, don't call me M'Lady unless we are transformed." Adrien smiled as she finished speaking. It was relieving that she wasn't mad at him.
"Besides, I think it helps. At least for me staying here. Trying to sneak out every night would have been difficult for the both of us." Marinette chuckled, thinking about how that situation would have went down.
"And now Tikki and Plagg can talk to each other." Adrien says as the two look at each others kwami's. Tikki still glaring at Plagg. "How about we stick to hiding." Plagg flew into Adrien's shirt and out of the sight of Tikki as he talked. Marinette and Adrien chuckled at the Kwami's comment.
Looking over to the couch, Marinette noticed there was no blankets for Adrien. "Really? You where gonna sleep with no blankets?" She crossed her arms and scoffed at the boy. He shrugged. "Well you had them all and I didn't want to interrupt you." She smiled at the thought of him, Chat Noir, risking sleeping cold in the night just so she didn't wake up.
"Stupid kitty, just come sleep with me. I'm sure your bed is big enough for the both of us." Marinette smiled, Turning away from the boy as she headed to the bedroom. Adrien's face turned as red as a tomato as she walked away. He didn't hesitate to follow behind though. Was this really happening or was he dreaming?

The two got into bed and layed on different sides. Adrien, along with Marinette sat there wide away before turning to one another almost at the same time. They both gave a slight smile before Adrien grabbed Marinette's hand under the covers. She blushed but held on as his thumb rubbed against her hand. It was comforting knowing that he was there. He admired her beauty as she slowly fell asleep. And soon after so was he.
Plagg and Tikki couldn't help but be at awe that they where finally not blind for eachother. Plagg, being the emotional Kwami he was, started to tear up.

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