Chapter Four

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The first people to arrive are Juleka and Rose. They both look stunning as they walk through the door and look around at their friend's apartment. "Rose! Juleka!" Alya smiled as she embraced the two in a hug. "Well if it isn't my favorite couple. How are you two doing?" Alya started a conversation with the two girls as Marinette notices another guest walk in, it was Luka. The boy she had dated back in school. He had cut his hair but still had the blue tips as usual. He wears an all black outfit with a jean jacket that has some patches sewed into it. Luka waves over to Marinette as they walk towards each other. They embrace in a quick hug.
"Luka! It's been so long since I've seen you. How's your guitar shop going?" Marinette asks, curious about the boys life since school had ended. They hadn't talked since then but Luka had started his own business with help from his father jagged stone. " It's expanding, more costumers have been coming in or just people who want an escape. We sell other instruments to and I give out lessons. Spreading the love for music is always what I dreamed of doing and I think I'm doing a good job of that so far." Luka smiles at the thought of his music. He always had the biggest love for music.
"How's fashion going, I know you got accepted into college last year. I assumed you would pursue something you love hopefully." Luka asks, but Marinette didn't know if she loved fashion as much as she used to. Unlike Luka, she was still figuring out what she loved. She was only eighteen but she had such pressure from everyone to know what she wanted to do. She only chose to do fashion because that's what everyone wanted her to do. In all honesty she just didn't have the siltiest clue about herself, she didn't have time as ladybug.
"So far I think I've been improving majorly. I've sold a few dresses and even made Alya and I's outfits for tonight." She gives a slight twirl to show off her work.

Adrien walks in to a few people at the party. Alya and Nino talking to Rose and Juleka. But where was Marinette? He looked around then saw her talking with Luka. He couldn't help but be slightly jealous as she twirled for the boy, he assumed they where hitting it off since they did have a past with dating. However, he didn't want jealousy to get the best of him. So he walked up to the two and decided he would say hi.
"Hey Marinette, and Luka it's been so long. How's everything been dude?" He buts into the convo as Luka's expression changes when he arrives. Marinette seems to notice the slight tension but it doesn't make things awkward.
"Things have been fine, how about you? Still a big supermodel for your dad." The tone in voices throw Marinette off, they seemed to talk to each other well, but their voices sound annoyed. Was she missing something? Why wouldn't they like one another?
"Yeah somewhat, I'm also a part owner of the Agreste brand and one day it'll be passed down to me." Adrien locks eyes with Marinette as he talks to Luka, he blushes slightly before looking back over to Luka who now has an obviously annoyed face. "But modeling is what I do mainly still." He adds.
The tension is broken as a loud blonde girl enters the room. The one they all despised but invited anyways. Along side her was her so called minion, Sabrina. Everyone pulsed at her entrance, no one greeting her voluntarily. "Looks like the baker girl and her friend decided to be individuals for once." She removed her unneeded sunglasses and handed them to Sabrina who put them in a bag she was holding.
"Chloe, we are adults. Don't you think acting like a bitch at someone else's party is a little immature." Marinette stands up for herself. She was older now and didn't have the patience for Chloe's loud mouth. Chloe's mouth dropped at her wors, but was impressed at the back fire. She couldn't help but respect the girl for the comment, all though, no one was better than her.
"Fine, but why don't we put on some music. What? Have none of you thrown a party before? What did I expect, your all losers." She walks over and turns on the speaker that immediately blasts whatever first comes on. "See, lightens up the mood. Now someone dim the lights, this party needs some sort of fun." Chloe snaps, demanding the lights to be dimmed.
"Chloe, the lights don't dim, they just are off or on." Marinette sighs, knowing this would be a long night with the girl being here.
"Well that's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous." She rolled her eyes and started to mumbled to Sabrina who stood there almost emotionless. She must have gone nub after all the years with Chloe pushing her around none stop. Adrien, Marinette, and Luka all give her a dirty look as she harasses those around her.
"She hasn't changed a bit." Adrien states, he had known her since he was young and she was always mean to those around her. She was also neglected by her mom and her dad let her do whatever, so she was never raised in a responsible house hold. Adrien both felt bad for her but also didn't like her. His dad wasn't the greatest but he treated people with respect.
"Not at all." Marinette agrees, looking at Chloe in disgust. She didn't like Chloe because of how she treated everyone, she also was a major liar. But no one could top Lila for being a liar. Almost everything out of her mouth was a lie, and people believed it. Except her. She couldn't stand the two girls, they always got in the way when she would try to confess to Adrien in school. Without them they might even had dated before.
More and more guests start to arrive before almost the entire class is there. They all sat around in the living room and talked while Marinette checked her phone in the kitchen. She couldn't be around so many people, she loved them, but it gave her anxiety. So she just texted her mom for a little to update her then scrolled through her photos. She tapped on an old photo of her and Adrien, she missed it back then. She missed when one of her main problems was because she liked a boy. Now she's the guardian and felt alone. No matter how many people where around, none of them would ever understand, even Alya who knew she was Ladybug.
She sighed and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as her stress levels seemed to rise from the thoughts of being an Adult now. She wished she could just be fourteen again living with her parents and worrying about a boy who didn't seem to care she loved him. She sometimes even wanted to just give up her miraculous. Being Ladybug was so stressful, let alone for someone in college.
"Hey, you okay?" Adrien stands leans against the counter next to the girl. It somewhat startles her but she's glad it's him. He notices the picture of them on her phone and smiles. "I remember the day we took that. I was running from paparazzi and you helped me hide. I mean yeah I was found but it was one of the best days ever. Especially with you." Adrien blushed, he couldn't believe he just said that. Marinette however, smiled largely as she never knew Adrien liked spending time with her. It was an amazing day for her to, besides the fact that she was in her pajamas all day.
Adrien moved a little closer to Marinette and smiled, the two stared into each others eyes for a moment before being interrupted by a girl tripping into the Kitchen. Lila. Marinette knew her interrupting them was on purpose, Lila never wanted Marinette to be happy.
"I'm so sorry Adrien, I'm such a clumsy person. You see I suffer from nerve damage from falling to much so sometimes I fall randomly." She leaned against Adrien and looked over to Marinette. Adrien pushed her away though, he didn't believe Lila either and it was obvious.
"Lila go somewhere else, we don't need to hear more of your lies. To think it was getting nice not hearing your voice this past year." Adrien grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her away as he walked out of the Kitchen and away from Lila. On their way our Lila screamed "Oww!" As if something had happened. Marinette and Adrien where both confused as to why the girl fell to the floor. Lila started bawling holding her elbow.
"Marinette, why did you hurt me? I just wanted to get to say hello to some old friends." Lila cried out. Alya and Rose went over to the crying girl and helped her up. Alya gave Marinette a dirty look as she did. Why did everyone believe Lila? Adrien looked at Marinette confused at to what had just happened. He was there and she didn't even touch the crying girl.
"I didn't even touch you! You're lying again!" Marinette yelled at the girl, she was sick of her lies. Even after a year Lila had gotten on her nerves just as easily. Alya let go of Lila as she approached Marinette.
"I know you don't like Lila, but harassing and assaulting someone is never okay! No matter who they are!" Alya yelled at the girl, causing tears to form in her eyes. She looked over to Adrien who was now visually mad. "And you?! Adrien, did you see Marinette hurt Lila?" Alya questioned.
"I wasn't looking but I know Marinette wouldn't do that. We where walking out of the Kitchen when she fell to the ground crying." Adrien explained. He didn't actually see Marinette when something happened, but he believe she would never hurt someone. It's Marinette for crying out loud. He also knew Lila was known to lie about almost anything, so Marinette was the obvious person to believe.
She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Alya believed Lila? Marinette felt the eyes of everyone on her who wasn't helping the Lier Lila. Juleka shook her head at Marinette as she walked over to help the crying girl, along with rose. Marinette's eyes filled with tears as she was now the person everyone was upset with. She went to walk away as Chloe knocking into her. "Oops, should watch where you're going baker girl." Chloe says sarcastically, she definitely pushed the girl on purpose.
Adriens eyes widen as he see's Marinette's necklace fall out from her dress. It was the necklace he gave ladybug. Marinette doesn't notice as she walks out so Adrien follows behind. Soon they are in the hallway alone, Marinette was crying now as Adrien still processed what he had seen. However, he still had to be there for her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. "I believe you Marinette. And they are stupid for not seeing how much of a great person you are and how bad Lila is." Adrien rubbed her head, comforting her. She continued to cry but his words made her feel better.
Adrien still couldn't get the necklace out of his mind. Was Marinette Ladybug? It would make sense, he never loved two girls, he loved one. He felt somewhat relieved but didn't bring it up to her after all she had been through already. It started to piece together everything Ladybug had ever said to him. The other boy she had loved must have been him, it only makes sense that Marinette had a crush on him back in school. He was what stopped ladybug from likening Chat Noir, from liking him.

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