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Levi's P.O.V

Eren.... Eren... Eren... That's the only thing I had in my mind. I sat there on my bed, hands on my head.

'...you're just in love that's all...' The thought flooded back in my mind. '...I'm not playing Levi...'. I 'tch'ed' and lightly tugged at my hair.

'Why am I acting like it's a big deal...?" I ask myself mentally. I released my hair and grabbed a cigarette. I picked up my lighter and lit the 'death stick'. I only smoke when I feel stressed. And that's rare. I let the smoke invade my mouth and exhaled the white air-like substance. I laid my head back and sighed. I heard a knock on my door and didn't even move.

"Come in." I say. The door creaks in and small footsteps were heard.

"L-Levi Heichou?" A sweet innocent voice, which was recognizable. "Commander Erwin wants to see you..." The boy said. I spun my chair around to see a familiar skinny and tall male. Eren. I could tell that he was shivering uncontrollably. Poor boy was even nervous.

"Tch. Alright." I say and put my cigarette out. He nodded slightly and began to walk out the door. "Eren." I say. He peeks in through the door once more. I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched and tensed up.

'What have I done to him?' I look into his beautiful eyes, to only see pure terror and pain.

"Be back at my room at 7. Sharp." I say before I released his shoulder and made my way to the Commander's office.

Erwin's P.O.V

I was doing paperwork until I heard a knock. Seems like Levi.

"It's unlocked." I say and return to my paper work. The door opened I heard footsteps coming closer.

"Oi, what did you need me for?" Levi asks, obviously annoyed. I place my pen next to me and put my hands under my chin.

"Take a seat, Levi." I command. He rolled his eyes and plopped on the chair. "Levi." I start. "I've heard from Hanji that you've been...beating Eren for no particular reason. But, if there is a reason, will you please tell me?" I ask. He looked in the other direction, towards the window.

"Damn snitch." He says. With a face of disagreement, and hate, I stood up.

"Levi, do you understand how this is messing with your reputation as corporal? Do you even take this title seriously?" I raise my voice. Of course, he didn't flinch.

"Oh, I do." He says and messes with his nails. I was getting irritated.

"It doesn't seem like it." I shot back but so a calm tone.

"Tch." He rolled his eyes "Is that all you're worried about that? My reputation?" He asks.

"I'm not. I'm more worried about Eren's well being more than your reputation. If you keep beating him, you can kill humanity's last hope. Maybe humanity can suffer many more years of suffering and eaten by Titans." I say.

"Oh, cry me a river. I said in court and I'll say it again. He needs to be treated like a dog." He says.

"That's bullshit." I say. "If this happens again, I'm stripping you of your title. And I'll give it to someone else." I threaten.

"Tch. Is that all? I'm busy with other things." He says.

"You're dismissed." I sigh. He gets up and leaves. The door closes and I put my head in my hands.

'Please...be okay Eren..." I say and sighed heavily. It may sound weird, but I fell for the Caribbean eyed boy.


Ok, so I kinda ship Eren x Erwin but not as much as Eren x Levi :3

Eren meeting Levi will be in the next chapter.

Loving You (Eren x Levi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora