The Scars That Stay Open Forever

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Eren's P.O.V

After the incident with Levi last night, it was difficult for me to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about my actions. I broke the heart of a man I still love and I'm breaking the heart of my recent lover. I felt terrible. In a way I felt like I was being nothing but trouble. I knew I was causing heartbreak and I should just ended for myself... Levi would probably feel better if I died. Same goes for Erwin.

'Why did I think it was going to work out? Why are they both still here with me? why are they still dealing with me? Would it be better if I was gone?'

So many questions were running through my head.

'I guess the best thing for me to do is to just end my life... ' I gathered my things, packed up everything for the expedition. I could feel somebody staring at me from a distance . I didn't bother to look back. I didn't bother me so much. The last thing I needed to worry about was a stalker. After a few minutes, I heard footsteps coming in my direction. I still didn't look back. I continued to pack my things for the expedition. To me I can feel but it was a certain somebody I didn't wanna see. I knew who it was. Levi Heichou...


I didn't respond.

"Oi! Eren!" He tapped my shoulder.

Still didn't respond.

"You got 5 seconds to turn around. 5....4....3....2.... 2 1\2.....2 1\4..... 2 1\3..... Gah, son of a bitch..." He groans in annoyance. I turn slowly towards the shorter male.

"Yes Heichou?" I respond lowly.

"Why didn't you reply sooner?" He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Sorry Heichou. I guess I don't feel like talking today..." I say, giving a small hint. It was silent between us both. I continued to pack my things and sat next to my horse.

"Are you alright?" Heichou asked. I nodded slowly. "Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"What's the big deal anyway?"

"I'm worried about you. That's the big deal."

"Well, I'm fine, so please stop bothering me." I stood up and attempted to walk away. I felt a hand grab my wrist and I jolted in pain. 'Ah! My cuts!' I cry silently.

"Don't you walk away from me." He spat.

"Please let go of my wrist!" I yell. 'No! They reopened!' Blood went down my wrist and onto the ground. Drip, drip, drip. It was quiet. I yanked my bloody wrist away from his grip and sprinted away with tears blurring my vision.

"Eren!!" He yells after me but I ignore it.

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