Without You

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Levi's P.O.V

I chased after the crazed teen who ran insanely fast.

"Eren!" I holler. All I could hear was his sniffling and his breath hitching. I grabbed onto his shoulder and stopped him mid way. "Eren.. You shitty little brat.." I say in breaths. He doesn't look back at me. He continued to struggle but I held his shoulder tight.

"Just let go of me!" He sobs. "I only make things worse!" He falls to the ground and hides his face. The scene was heartbreaking. His sobs continued and the blood stopped dripping from his lightly tanned skin. I sat down next to him, slowly and I face him. I place both hands on his lukewarm, wet face.

"Listen to me. Things happen. Once it happens, no one can change it. We have to move on from the mistakes we made.. It will hurt for a while but it takes time." I firmly say. "You are strong, Eren. Stronger than you think. I know you're stronger than anyone and anything here. You're strong enough to accomplish anything. And that's one reason I fell for you. Eren.. Please, don't do this to yourself." I place my forehead on his and he started to calm down. He reluctantly wrapped his arms around me. I gave him a loving and passionate hug. 

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry Corporal.. *hiccup hiccup* I really am sorry..! I-I'm a terrible person..!" Eren continued to shed tears from his tinted face. Dry tear marks stained his puffy face. 

"Knock it off, kid. If you keep saying that, it'll happen." I wrapped my cape around his little, fragile body. "Eren. If you were terrible, why do you want to protect more than a handful of people? Why do you use your Titan abilities for good, instead of using them for yourself? Knowing you can kill anyone? Knowing you can kill me?" I question. He shook in my arms.

"Because you can kill me.." He gave me a sad expression. We both knew that it was true. For a while, silence was our company.


"Alright soldiers. Not everyone can live. The long hours of training and hard labor has now paid off. There is no turning back and no regretting your decisions. We have come this far and we will continue to push our way pass the Titans, all the way to Jaeger's basement to find out the truth of these hideous beasts!" Erwin raised his sword, along with other men. They hollered and raved. My head was too full of the thoughts of Eren. I turn to see Eren with a stoic face. Unlike mine, but more like a statue. Still and cold. Unable to move from that one spot. Wearing the same face day and night. Seeing him like this made me wonder, 'Did I do this to him? After all the pain he has encountered and dealt with, was I the root of this whole situation?' All of this thinking made me feel worse about it. I'm asking all the questions I have the answers to. The gates opened to reveal a lush green scenery. The men began to move their horses in sync as we headed out. Eren rode along side Erwin. Not like it was his choice. "Onward men!" Erwin whipped the reins against the white horse. Eren did the same, along with other people.

Loving You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now