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Prologue: The Man in the Blue Mask

Elena's P.O.V:

Tonight was the biggest mistake of my life. I decided like a dumbass to go for a walk. Just to get away from my parents and brother. Just to get some fresh air. Which only resulted in me getting caught up in this mess. Being chased down by some maniac! I don't know why or when he started following me, but all I know is I'm in big fucking trouble. I sprint down the street, running as fast as my short legs could manage. I really wish I had longer legs! But unfortunately I got stuck with my mothers short genes.

Behind me, I could hear the man catching up. I try running faster but my legs wouldn't let me and I was coming short of breath. I don't even know how long I've been running for but it definitely feels like I've been running for forever now. Eventually, the man catches up to me, running alongside me. He reaches out his gloved hand and roughly grabs my arm and yanks me towards him. This causing me to lose my footing and fall flat on my face. I slide a few feet before stopping. Groaning in pain, I feel his hand returning to my body. He flips me over onto my back. This was where I finally got a good look at him. Thankfully, more so, unfortunately, we were underneath a lamp post.

Watching him looming over me, I saw his mask. It was blue, a deep dark blue with black dripping down from the eye sockets. There were no other features on his mask. Just eye sockets. They were dark and hollow. Staring into them caused a shiver to run down my spine. I turn away, not being able to look at him any longer. That was my second biggest mistake. While not looking at him, I feel him begin to lift the side of my shirt, causing me to react by slapping him as hard as I could muster in my painful state. If I was going to die, my clothes were going to stay on.

I turn my head back towards him to see him holding a scalpel in his right hand. It was clean and shining in the dim lamp post light. Not the mention, hella sharp! My eyes widen and I quickly scramble up onto my hands, scooting myself back away from him as far as I could manage. He only watches me before standing up and walking towards me. I force myself up onto my feet but I was too late. He wraps his left arm around my neck, putting my into a strong choke hold. I struggle in his grasp, scratching and clawing at his sleeved arm. Hoping it would do something, only for it to do nothing. I really was going to die.

I feel the right side of my shirt being lifted before he brought the scalpel to my skin. I become even more frantic, trying my hardest to get out. To get away. Only to fail in the end. He presses the blade into my skin, dragging it down my side. I gasp and cry from the excruciating pain. I find myself gripping onto his arm tightly almost as a way to comfort myself and to conceal my cries. He then shoves his fingers inside, pushing his hand in until he grabs hold of what he's looking for. The pain...I can't even describe it. He tugs on my organ until it releases from its rightful place. Eventually, he pulls his hand out holding my organ out in front of me. My kidney...

I soon fell limp in his arm from the lack of air and pain and blood loss. I really am going to die...

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